Say No to Censorship on Social Media!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


When it comes to political content on social media, oh, how I often long for the days of AOL 1.5, Netscape and Free NetZero--back when there was freedom on the internet!

Remember the great debate we all had back when Alex Jones got censored? I then warned lots of lefties will become censored afterwards.

[3/12/19 UPDATE: Libertarian journal Zero Hedge has been censored by Facebook!]

For example, the Tea Party political movement gained lots of traction due to open dialogue on social media. Even though Obama was in power, the right-wing grew stronger and took over.

Now, when increasing censorship tactics are in play--well controlled by deep state elements (see The Integrity Initiative, Hamilton Dashboard88, New Knowledge, the Atlantic Council, et. al.--it'll become more difficult to grow the now much-needed leftist progressive movement to counteract decades of right-wing trends of militarism and income inequality. Centrist Democrats are no help. What is needed is a well-defined left!


A good example is RussiaGate, the claim the Russians hacked the DNC. There is substantial and credible evidence to prove the documents were downloaded onto a thumb drive and were leaked, not hacked. Many strong progressives share the belief the documents were leaked and wrote accordingly on social media. Yet Twitter, according to its chief legal officer testifying before Congress, stated Twitter deleted 48% of all tweets that included the hashtag #DNCleaks. That's the system toying with truth.

Me? I do not like this and I condemn any system that toys with truth!

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