Let's Hope I'm Wrong!

in #politics6 years ago


I essentially made this same prediction couple of years ago. What I predicted appears like it's now taking shape.

It's my bet that threats against Russia -- using Syria and Iran as tinderbox catalysts -- will increase as we move into the Mid-Term Election. Trump will shape an 'I'm super tough on Russia' image and it wouldn't surprise me if he propagates a form of US military action in order to create a near-the-edge-of-war image just prior to voting. He will want the electorate, when they vote, in fear and thus more supportive of his presidency. Throughout American history, the electorate has always supported an incumbent president. Trump's handlers know this, they will organize accordingly.

Best way to think of it? What Karl Rove would do!

Trump also will strongly and steadily increase his counter-attacks against factions of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and British Intelligence. He'll attempt to prove, by releasing volumes of classified material, a collusion against him showing how a certain and dedicated contingent, within the intelligence community, sided with Clinton, former Obama officials and certain media connections in order to formulate the whole of RussiaGate.

Given the facts of reality, Trump actually will gain traction on this. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump actually came out and publicly proclaimed that the DNC computers were a leak, and not a hack. He'll attempt to make Fusion GPS and Crowdstrike a public issue while hammering away on Clinton's bleach bit incident. Many members of Congress will back him on this in order to widen media attention.

The combination of doing the above will help relieve Trump of the Russian monkey that has inherently been placed upon his back dating back to when he was sworn into office.

He will also stress and prove his closeness with Israel and Saudi Arabia, highlight accentuate the need to firm up The Balkans and remain supportive of Ukraine and he'll take as much credit as possible for North and South Korea's reunification. He'll pretend Yemen doesn't even exist and brag about how he's good friends with the Chinese leader who came to his Mar a Lago luxury resort.

He'll then boast about oil deals and pipelines, the Petro Dollar, how he'll go head to head with OPEC, how he got NATO to up the membership ante and profess a strong affinity for King Richard the Lionheart. He'll package himself as the 'big boss' on the foreign policy scene, making America's image greater to the world. He'll use all the false warmongering rhetoric of past GOPwingers Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes and Cheney.

On the domestic front, Trump will continue to insist he is the savior of the economy and stress some economic numbers and conditions. He won't have to be accurate on this. All he has to do is site some numbers. Most voters haven't paid much attention to domestic issues as they've been fully engaged in Russia, Stormy Daniels, Mueller, etc. So Trump will be able to say what he wants going into election day.

The continuation of the GOPwinger Crosscheck voter elimination system remains in play in 30 GOP-controlled states. Many, many minority voters who'd vote Democrat will be scrubbed from the voting rolls. GOPwingers have had a long time to work on this since neither political party has even brought up the slightest notion of the possibility of voter suppression. We're likely in worse shape in 2018 than we were in 2016.

And then there is the very troubling news that Independents make up 43% of the electorate, Republicans 29% and Democrats 28%. After two years of pushing the anti-Russian narrative, the Trump stinks image (he does actually stink -- horrible of all horribles!), using sex, spies and various forms of ridicule against him, the Democrats trail the GOPwingers in voter registration. This is pitiful!

Most likely the GOPwingers will retain holding the US House (congressional districts are gerrymandered GOP favorable) and Senate (Dems defending 25 seats, GOP defending only 10), the governor seats (30 R to 20 D) and state legislatures 32 R to 18). Democrats could see some victories in down-ballot races due to Bernie Sanders grassroots organizers, but this won't make a difference until future elections.

All in all? Neither the mo-mo has been established by the Democrats and the statistical reality is way too much in favor of the GOPwingers for the 2018 Mid-Terms. But, hey, I believe in miracles. However, more and more, I'm beginning to doubt I'll never see this miracle in my remaining years as I now push the 70 mark with some health problems.

So what happens after the GOPwingers win the Mid-Terms and continue appointing bad judges onto the courts? I'd look for five things to happen:

  1. The Clinton establishment Democrats will be forced to finally concede to the progressive Bernie Sanders forces, and the present Democratic leadership will be removed. It makes no sense for Democrats to continue getting whacked with losses. The party is now tragically close to completely falling into the abyss!

  2. The rich will get richer and America's middle class will continue to erode into the ranks of the poor folks at the bottom. America's Oligarch Enrichment Project will become easier to maintain. America, as a police state, will grow greater as private investors line up to invest in private policing. Trump will crank up even more the DHS militarized forces, which hold jurisdiction 100 miles inside of all four of America's borders, encompassing more than 60 percent of the US population).

  3. It'll become too late for climate change improvement as society will have passed the tipping point. Look for great natural -- or unnatural -- disasters of increasing magnitude. Keep your helmets, fins and snorkels at ready, stock up on scuba diving tanks maybe land a gas mask. Make a boat and paddles, if you can and wisely stalk up on your canned foods.

  4. Get ready for the US military to invade Venezuela, maybe even Cuba on the way. Trump will concede the Middle East to the Eurasian alliance of Russia and China who will vigorously pursue the Belt Road Initiative re-linking the ancient Silk Road land and sea trading routes. The Chinese Petro Yuan backed by gold will soon begin competing with the US Petro Dollar backed by debt. Everything in that area of the world will change drastically and Turkey and Iran will be in the driver seats. Israel will resemble an early American Calvary fort back when westward expansion began and Native Americans mostly controlled the land. The US will attempt to solidify its geopolitical standing by attempting to gobble up most of Africa. Trump's war, to make him a "war president" and thus very electable in 2020 will be primarily aimed at Venezuela.

  5. My rock n' roll band, Climate Change, will continue calling out for world peace and social justice. My hope is by this time there will exist an enormous anti-war movement in America and my band will perform and call for peace!

In conclusion, unless people are willing to lay their bodies down, workers unite, strong anti-war and pro-environmental movements get formed, sadly and tragically, we'll pretty much be looking at all of the above. Our movie will worsen for the next generation!

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