I think announcing that the embassy will be moved to Jerusalem was a terrible idea

in #politics7 years ago

think that moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a terrible move. It would be okay if it was part of some broader strategy in which Trump was giving something to the Israelis in exchange for something from the Palestinians, but as it is Trump is just pandering to his base. All it will accomplish is to make the Palestinians furious, and ensure that the peace process will go nowhere. Not that it was way much of anywhere anyway, but this move pretty much ensures that it won't go anywhere. It just seems like Trump's strategy is not to have any strategy at all, and just do whatever he feels like doing. Pretty much all the experts that I've heard think that this is an absolutely terrible idea, and that it will only make the situation worse. Trump wants the Palestinians to make a deal without giving them any reason to do so. After touting his ability as a great negotiator, he certainly hasn't seem to be able to transfer any of those skills to the political realm, at least not yet anyway. A lot of people are going to end up being killed because of this decision, and for no good reason at all. It just seems like Trump just blunders his way through everything without any strategy or plan. On the other hand, who knows, maybe somehow this will all work out, but I certainly don't think so. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

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