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RE: Anyone Buying This Venezuela Bullshit Is A Complete Fucking Moron

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

You actually would rather see dead or starving people that give this fuck Maduro up. You are cold woman.
Your pissing against the wind as usual and be amazed. He was given enough time to make a wise choice...he is stupid.
And Cuba can watch and maybe learn to shut the fuck up with their lies, about America.

Poppy the bus driver keeps shooting unarmed civilians, he gonna get get a cap in his ass...I predict it one of his own that caps his fat ass.

Everybody's jumping ship!

Nobody wants to see a brain drain in Venezuela, like the one in Russia --Russia is losing all its great talent to the west.


Not that I think we should be involved militarily but there is always a reason why people are fleeing their country by the millions, I agree she seems to ignore this fact, that should show her something is wrong internally though I agree it's none of our business outside of providing humanitarian aid.

Her cry of just look at alternative media...well here she is on an alternative source where she can find many, many, many people on here who actually live there saying just the opposite of what she is saying but I guess she can be the only one right, right?

Did you miss this part of the commentary?

'In reality, the Venezuelan government has been taking in humanitarian aid from all around the world to help its people, just not from America's regime change operation that is so blatant even NPR recognizes it, and the bridge Branson has been posing in front of for his "billionaire philanthropist" photo ops has never been open for travel.'

If our government was seriously interested in aiding the Venezuelan people, they would end the sanctions. That they aren't tells you everything you need to know about the fraud behind their alleged concern for the Venezuelan people. So should the point man for US aid to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams. Read up on him and his past uses of US aid as a cover for arms shipments to rebels fighting governments we sought to overthrow. John Bolton himself told you this has nothing to do with aid to starving Venezuelans and everything to do with re-privatizing their oil for the benefit of US corporations (and US hegemony).

Learn about the sanctions...stop looking for facts that support your argument?

"So should the point man for US aid to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams."
Lets assume of what you speak as being truthful to a certain point, how is that relevant to his assessment of the situation now in Venezuela, when voices likes your and Ilman Omar ad hominem the man publicly.
If I was a criminal when I was a younger man, am I that same man now?
Is there redemption for me, as I come to terms with my past?
Should past mistakes disavow a life entirely? We were in Cold War at that time in history.

I don't think so..

It may well so be it's an alleged fraud and Venezuela can and has dealt with that as they see fit. That still doesn't negate that gesture as presented on behalf of the American people as anything other than a humanitarian effort to help, even if they turn it down Americans can feel better that they tried. I can see your point on the sanctions not helping the situation but on the other hand from what I have seen from those posting here on this platform who live there and describe the situation it really wouldn't make much sense to avail to Maduro the ability to further buy more arms to use against those who oppose him, continue to allow himself to enrich the lives of others while simultaneously and willingly let those who oppose him starve. But that is just my opinion and I don't hold much sway over our government or over other countries governments either way the debate flows out.

Americans are pretty worn out though on the invasion for oil warring, that's why I think you see there has been no movement against Venezuela militarily. I think that's why you don't see more people concerned with the pull out in Syria, even though the US military is standing on the oil grounds the war was fought by those internally outside of ridding the country of ISIS fighters that they were engaged with, from the public's perspective it was internal, the opposition lost, it's time to move on now that ISIS has been defeated. People are good with that, it's sad for those who will have to live under what they consider oppression but outside of genocide being committed it's not our fight.

Halliburton stands shoulder to shoulder with the Venezuelan people and their struggle to reprivatize their oil.

Not so DICK...PDVSA is in hock up to its neck to Gazprom, and Chinese debt dominates all other debt. Somewhere in the range of 70 to 80 $billion.

Haliburton was an initial investor from 1954-1994. Not any more.
Venezuela's largest debts are to BRICS nations.

Chavez/Maduro spent too much on the military and corruption. And the Russian and Chinese payments have been defaulting of late.

Eleven years of Chavez has crippled the country, an additional five years with Maduro have thrown the country into default. Venezuela is a failed Socialist experiment.

Yes, I agree with what you saying here...sometimes humanitarian aid is not enough. This whole situation is depressing a populace, a country that has some important to add to the sum of man. When oppression and hunger and violence, bleeds the best to leave and seek another, the solutions leave with the hungry.

I agree in the sense that Chevaz's highest point of popularity was around fifty seven percent, the majority of his elections fell below that. That means that the country is pretty much split along fifty/fifty lines. He was all good and popular at first then he made moves to government control over private property and that was enough to push an angry revolt against him that has just continued to grow passed his death.

Chavez initially tried to take power via a military coup, and that has not been forgotten -- he was jailed and subsequently came at it from a different point of view, using Cuban/Russian advisors to control the propaganda; control the message. He relied a lot on the zero-sum game of Putin to establish and coalesce power quickly. It became cult like, the personality of cult, in its adoration of him through Chavismo.

Yes what you say is so true...

The slow creep of socialism, eventually takes over everything, and a limited and controlled budget keeps spenting fixed, by not allowing the freedom of Laissez-faire economics. Grey and black markets are punished ruthlessly, and the system the end there is no incentive for anyone to start anything new. Creativity dries up and the end is the Soviet example, were a few very corrupt indecisive leaders take old and prosper at the expense of many. Populations become spiritually exhausted, broken and eventually a collapse under the sheer weight of the complacency -- the total corruption and un-renewed innovation.

Socialism is a utopian philosophy in a dream world --reality on the other shows it does not work because people are dishonest, and true individualism is killed as that is were creativity truly lies, that is were the entrepreneur lives. That is really were societies progress.
Socialism in the end becomes a philosophy of misery, a philosophy of the victim.

Agree that a free society is one where societies progress, creativity lies and entrepreneur live but globalism and the quest for cheap labor has made that problematic when sheer greed contaminates the process.

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