--- Politics... Its all Fake ----steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

The Illusion Of Choice

In some recent chats after Freeze Peach on the Pirate Waves with @r0nd0n & @spuloo we all (@ankapolo, @soundwavesphoton, a few others and myself) started getting into some talks about various awesome topics, but when we hit politics i just took a back seat to it all. I have some pretty strong beliefs , yes Cope is off da fence, and usually find it best to stay out of it. However, as these things go i was asked to weigh in and did so with a little coaxing, but i kept it brief so here is a little more on the subject.

The long and short is that i believe politics is all a load of bullshit, the whole thing is smoke and mirrors. They tell you what you wanna hear, to get you to think what they want you to, so you go out and vote for your candidate. Unfortunately, these candidates don't mean jack all, they are trained in the art of manipulation, stand for nothing, are easily bought, and are essentially puppets or muppets. That is, they either have strings attached or someones hand up their ass ;)

The public is fooled into believing what they choose can impact the overall outcome of the situation, giving the us all the "illusion of free choice", but ultimately.... those in power just do what they want. Example below, what they said they would do in the first image below vs. what they did in the following image....

Old Aussie Prime Ministers Promises Before Elected

Old Aussie Prime Ministers Actions When Elected

The genius of the situation is that because we are given a "choice" we are divided by the differences on opinion which keeps us busy feuding with one another. Meanwhile the powers that be keep doing their shady business and execute their agenda while we bicker over meaningless crap... like who our next "leader" will be, like it makes a difference.

What many of us fail to realize is that the government systems (no matter where they are) are self serving eco systems that perpetuate their own existence at the expense of the public through fraudulent means and corruption. Further, these governing systems in place have the majority of us fooled into thinking they actually care about "the people" and for the most part we eat it up hook, line and sinker. Its all fake, a show, a hoodwink, a gambit, a bamboozle.... but we are fooled into believing its genuine, just like those that think the WWF is real fighting ;)

Politics, as real as WWF Fights

What we need to understand is that politics is one of the great mass psychological manipulations of our time. Its is a broken system that is VERY out dated and it must be said that "You can not fix the broken system, using the broken system". To move forward and evolve we must let go of what does not work and does not serve us. The first step in doing this is admitting that there is a problem, that these systems do nothing for us.... so where do we go from here ? well, that's really up to us now isn't it ? but it all starts with us examining our current system far more objectively than we currently do now.


I was with you on the political stuff until you called the wwe fake

Seems legit ;) this is the perfect balance, politics IN the WWE.... its the same show just slightly different arena.... same zombie followers ;)

The Rock will get my vote.
Finally, The Rock has come back to politics with his millions... and millions of fans. I believe that The Rock would just bring it and layeth the smacketh down on all those other roody poo, candy ass countries. The rest of the world needs to shut its mouth and know it's role! The Rock would be the first people's president, only a jabroni wouldn't vote for him. Because The Rock says it doesn't matter what you think... if yoooou smellllel...ellll..lalala...ell what 'Merica... is... cooking!

Oh god, please, please, please, please, make its so..... cant wait for Idiocracy to play out ;) but you forgot a great line there @road2nowhere.... "The Peoples Elbow!!!!"

Haha yup, I think it's already too late! All you can do now is kick back with a cold Brawndo and wait :)

yuuuup and if the be comin up in huuurrrr talkin all that jazz i be like...

EJECTO SEATO CUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

So true @mfxae86! It's all a play to perpetuate the current status quo. Only thing I would add is that in the meantime most of us believe that politics itself is the problem, it seems you believe so to:

Its is a broken system that is VERY out dated

Well, is it broken? That depends on your position in the current status quo, doesn't it? As a matter of fact, in a democracy the government is supposed to work for the people, but in reality politicians are payed for by the small percentage of the population for who the current status quo works out well. Meanwhile we have a population that believes wholeheartedly in the ideology that sustains and supports the lofty position of that small percentage; capitalism.

Don't blame politics; governments are necessary for the 90% if we have a real democracy where that government is ruled by the people instead of what we have now, a plutocracy where the government is ruled by capital and capitalists.

Thanks for your comment @zyx066, I would say by definition it is broken, it is not operating as intended or stated. Maybe it never was intended to operate as such, but it is the way it was "represented" to work. While broken may have a number of definitions depending on application "not functioning properly; out of working order" most certainly is one of them. I think it would be difficult to argue that the system is not out dated, thought its not really relevant. However, i do fail to see where i said that politics is "the problem".

What i did say in the article is, we need to separate ourselves from ANY position within politics itself. the point is to NOT take a "side" regardless of status quo, candidates, promises, blah blah blah.... its all a load of crap, both sides are just as corrupt and utilize the same tactics to fool people and get their votes then do as they please.

This article is asserting my belief that "politics is fake" , i compared it to the WWF. I stated Its full of deception, lies, corruption etc. That we are being fooled, divided, pitted against each other AND our interaction with this system perpetuates this kind of behavior.

Im really not interested in getting into a discussion about democracy, capitalism, communism , socialism or anything else like that as its all semantics AND part of what i was saying in the article.... Some of us are so ready to defend "our belief systems", "our gov is better than x gov", it dont matter which one you are ruled by they are all doing the same thing.... raping their people while claiming to save them from it.

Actually, I'm with you 100%; maybe I misunderstood. Maybe it was like 6 am after staying up all night to write a similar post... But I agree; politics in it's current form is fake. Democracy does not exist, not even here in Europe.

im not saying we are against each other, im just highlighting and reiterating my points so we dont shift the focus onto areas im not talking about , nor interested in delving into.

However, to be clear if we were to move the topic in that direction i would say the problem is people themselves, the hooman condition as i like to say. Analogy: if someone strikes you with a sword and draws blood, do you blame the sword for being sharp or the person for wielding the sword?

And the bullshit continues down unda....

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