The war machine is happy

in #politics6 years ago

Being away for a week now has shielded me from a lot of crazy. I just happened to walk by a TV proudly broadcasting CNN( I know, I know, trust me) and just had for lunch this whole Syria thing.

Don’t know what to think really, It’s not like everything was running smoothly until now but I can’t see how this doesn’t end like another Iraq and we all know how futile that whole fiasco was.

The war machine must be hungry. I’m sorry if I sound like a cynic but I can’t buy this whole “we police the world” idea. I have nothing against our soldiers, on the contrary I have nothing but appreciation for our veterans, I just know that 99 percent of these wars are fought to protect the millionaires in the shadows and their interest and have absolutely nothing to do with “these people need some freedom over here”.

I should be clear, I’m not a fan of Syria’s ruler neither, I just don’t have any information about him that does not come from biased sources. Anyone who values their mental content can’t take mainstream media on their word, everything with a grain (more like truck load) of salt as they say.

So, what happens now? I will Nostradamus this fiasco because it’s just a disgusting cycle we keep on playing over and over.

  • The bombings go on for months
  • We take down the dictator
  • No one can find the body
  • We help establish a democracy
  • We pull out our troops
  • We leave behind tons of gear
  • New isis is born, let’s bet on names, shall we?

How can so many be so myopic? It’s infuriating.

But hey, everything is going to be ok because it’s not happening on our soil right? Bull crap I say... the Middle East is a mess and our government can’t simple pull a Pilate on this one, it can wash its hands clean.

The war machine is so happy right now. How many wars are we involved in currently? Is it more than 7 already?

I don’t even want to google that, I’ll just get more frustrated and this iPhone 4 might meet his doom against a wall.

What a mess....


I hear you meno. This situation is insane. It's a cruel game that is played by a few and millions of people pay for their greed and their missing empathy.

It's devastating. I just think of all the civilians caught in the middle of all these wars that are born from greed, just as you say, it's the motive, combined with elitest narccisism. It's tragic. I mirror your anger and sadness. This shouldn't be.

What a time you choose to be alive lol. Best wishes

Hi there @meno, sorry I haven't had a chance to read the conclusion of your dental adventures... yet. But I'm glad you made it back home in one piece, even if only to be torn apart mentally by the whole Syria-fiasco. Once again you find the right words to express that which we all know to be true. A little known fact is that the US haven't had a single day without some sort of armed conflict somewhere on the globe since World War II.

"" another Iraq and we all know how futile that whole fiasco was."

A fiasco for the world, but not for Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raython and all the other war-racketeers. A good read (highly recommended for all interested in these global matters) is War Is A Racket By Major General Smedley Butler, or if you'd rather listen, go here.

Thanks again, @meno!

Te abrazo, hermano mío. Y bueno... son los procesos humanos. Ese ser que representamos se encuentra en franca adolescencia, al parecer. Asuntos de poder y meadas territoriales. Yo te abrazo, te envío música. Toda la que necesites. @Meno.

Hmmm, not just you brother, many see and know it too. Everyone is just watching. Great observation.

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