The end of the United Kingdom: How a country collapses.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It's becoming clear to anyone following modern politics that the U.K. is now collapsing.

Just as the Berlin Wall fell quickly and relatively unexpectedly, so too is the U.K. now undergoing its disintegration. Both Ireland and Scotland have initiated the early stages of separation from England's wealthy land-owner class. Stage one of this process takes the form of establishing new political narratives which open up, through creative storytelling, the idea of independence from England.

The former U.K., like the former Soviet Union, is experiencing the process of disbanding itself into several smaller countries.

As The Guardian reports today:

The EU’s 27 leaders are expected to discuss a text stating that if Ireland unified, the north would automatically become part of the EU. The inclusion of the text is a victory for the Irish government, which had pressed for the inclusion of a “GDR clause”, a reference to the integration of the former east German state into the European Community after the fall of the Berlin wall. The declaration is bound to raise fears that Brexit could trigger the unravelling of the UK.

Brexit expressed England's anger at itself

From within the U.K. it is impossible for 'political leaders' to see what so-called Brexit really meant. Like all deeply-wounded adult-children, British politicians are unaware of the subconscious intent of their politics.

Although it appeared, superficially that Brexit was about leaving the European Union, what is represented psychodynamically, was the UK's own relationship with itself, projected outwards. Therefore, the U.K. voted against the psychodynamic concept of union.

In other words: It chose to dissolve itself.

As a result, we now see the first signs of the latent content of the Brexit dream being played out as Scotland and Ireland begin Scotxit and Irexit. These two countries have both begun exploring political narratives that end with them leaving the U.K.

Scotxit and Irexit were the inevitable outcome of Brexit

Britain's colonialist holocausts, and ongoing mistreatment of innumerable nations through war and state-terrorism, has finally come back to haunt the instigators.

Now Ireland and Scotland (two of England's few remaining colonies) will journey towards independence.

England has been responsible for so much global conflict and persecution. And yet, finally, England's own people have turned their anger on themselves and their country. This is the beginning of a long depressive episode, during which England will, like all recovering drug addicts, go through periods of withdrawal symptoms as they exit the global stage.

However, this self-enforced period of isolation and reflection could ultimately see the country reborn into a kinder, gentler, wiser entity.

What will a newly-single England look like?

Without colonies to subjugate, and divorcing from its one remaining source of shadow-projection: The European Union, Britain has turned on itself to reflect and will likely slump towards nationalism before realising that the internet and other technologies have utterly dismantled the younger generations concepts of borders, nations and patriotism. As a result, what would in times past have led to war will, instead, turn into a kind of extended Vipassana retreat on a national scale.

With no enemies left to plausibly point at, and waning public interest in political celebrity culture, England is becoming something very different. Now the game of projecting onto external shadows has run its course, the population will seek to depose their true oppressors instead: The Monarchy, politicians, multinational corporations and sexual-moralists.

The counter-English movement, which began in Boston in 1773, has finally washed back to British shores, and the scent of Earl Grey and salt never smelt so much like freedom. England will eventually find true independence through re-connection with itself instead of seeking to control others.


The empire must fall :D

why would you want the empire to fall? even if they do fall, another one will take its place, the Roman empire fell the British fell the Americans will fall. one falls another one takes its place

Good Read! Europe doesn't look a Safe Heaven to me!

Scotland and Ireland want to leave the UK that is only a good idea if they are completley on their own. If they wanna leave the UK but still get benefits from being in the UK than they should just stay and shutup. Its like Quebec as some of them want to leave Canada but still get all the benefits. Which is idiotic. But even so, would Ireland and Scotland still use the Euro or would they go to their own currency? It would be a disaster if they left for their economy and everything else.
Yes England conquered the world, but if they didnt some other country would have.

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