EPA Chief Met With Dow CEO Just Before Killing Effort to Ban Toxic Pesticide

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I don't particularly like politics or the fact that our so called news agencies are really just talking horses asses. However when Politics and News can be demonstrated to be in bed with each other I just can't pass up passing on the knowledge and providing my followers with a genuine analysis, and what goes for real evidence these days. So we start with an article on ex parte meetings between government officials and industry.


June 28, 2017 at 11:03 am

Written by Andrea Germanos

"Records obtained by AP show that Pruitt had a 30-minute meeting with Dow CEO Andrew Liveris"


What is most shocking to me is that the meeting by Pruitt and the Dow CEO isn't as far as I can tell being compared to the Clinton meeting on the Oh so famous private jet. In my humble opinion the criminal activity within mind control (Government) looks entirely the same in every aspect. Is this reflecting the fact that chemical companies own a slice of the pie or what?

I have to wonder if I am the only person who sees this as act 1 scene two? Is it just me or does this situation look decidedly the same callous disregard for proper appearance and a thumbing of the noses at law.?

The article explains that "According to EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman, the men were only “briefly introduced” and “did not discuss chlorpyrifos.” (Bowman, for her part, came to the EPA from the American Chemistry Council, an industry group of which Dow is a member.)"

Am I the only one who reads this and begins smelling the oh so familiar smell of political Bravo Sierra" In the statement "the men were only “briefly introduced” and “did not discuss chlorpyrifos.” begs "how does she know"?

Also why would that information need to be released by a EPA spokeswoman? I have got to wonder if perhaps some alternative news are not as alternative as they would like us to think.

Now some people might think I am talking conspiracy theories. So I would like to provide a short youtube video on the subject of conspiracy theories. In it the fact that the phrase "Conspiracy Theories" has been weaponized is discussed.

by Truthstream media

This 1967 CIA Memo Is Still Used to Discredit Conspiracy Theorists Today

It is pretty clear that people who use the ideas advertised about conspiracy theories to discredit or dismiss a claim are really just demonstrating the fact of their own programming and that they have not challenged their own incorrect thinking.

Another very interesting article that people need to know about is done by James F. Tracy for Global Research center. It discuss the fact that media is in bed through the CIA. It shows the history and just how all pervasive the corruption is and thus why a mountain of salt need to be taken no matter what the propaganda news source.

The Global Research center: They do research on Globalization.

The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know

I think it is pretty clear that if you don't check things out for yourself and question what you believe: then what you believe has the same chance of being true as a snowballs life span in hell. A very real and important question for the smart and investigative Steemians is have you challenged any of your world views? Also if you have can you share them with us?


YES?... The EPA should have everybody pay attention to them/ WHAT THEY SAY+STATE! What about the CONTINUOUS VICTIMS of 9/11/ 01, who are still dying today!... When they were told by the EPA that the air was safe to breathe in NYC. The info provided was not for the recovery services!... it was for the WORKERS/ EMPLOYEES of NYC! GOVs change, but the orders/ SURPRESSION of info stays the same... GET BACK TO WORK, SLAVES!!!. XXxx

Yep and the fact that people are treated as a commodity is evidence of psychopathic pathologies within the mind control network that government is. 9/11/2001 is also evidence of psychopathic disorder, treason, and murder both during and after the event. Sadly most people are so predictively programed they can't even look at the evidence.

Totally agree, MY BROTHER!... Humanity RULES the planet Earth! x

Yep Humanity Rules the planet Earth is wisdom speak.

Great post @masoncerritos, upvoted and followed!
I live on the other side of the ocean and the same thing happens, it´s a politically correct position journalists take nowadays that only makes them look bad, and those guys meeting, usual lobby style meeting, i´m surprised how it came on the news!

Yeah it is a world wide problem, but I am not surprised it came on the news. Psychopaths do not like to share power and will do anything to gain power for themselves. Thus there is more than one faction attempting to gain power. As a result there is a information war going on between psychopaths. So we are going to continue to hear about it. It is the nature of the stripes of psychopathic behavior and the fact that there will always be more than one vying for power. It is one of the very few advantages the people have. The other obvious advantage the people have is the fact that truth and lamp light acts as a kind of poison. This is why we must continue to expose the psychopaths.

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