Why the She-President must fall

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

![] photo taken by Simone

  • Brazil is divided between her sympathizers that follow her new word: PresidentA (President plus feminine particle “A”), and the other side that says the gender-neutral word as it had always been said : PresidentE (President).

  • We won’t have to hear anymore the expression “never before in this country”. She and the former president believe they are the only good thing that ever happened to Brazil.

  • Brazilian people can at last stop feeling a second-hand embarrassment of her words. Most of the time when she speaks freely,the internet instantly would become filled with memes and posts of her mistakes. She used to say ridiculous things.

  • There are few but loud congressmen defending the She-President with all their political strength, using the free time provided by tv. I can’t stand watch or hear them anymore. It will be a relieve to be free of them too.

Of course, the reasons for the President’s fall stand on her (still) alleged constitutional crimes, the accusations of lying in order to be re-elected, the lack of political influence and power to govern. Congress votes seem to confirm her fall by the end of this month.


The photo is of the Planalto Palace, where the President works.

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