The left-right paradigm is a clever trap to keep you distractedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago

If you're involved in politics at any level, you meet some special kinds of stupid. I know you're nodding your head. We all can point to classic examples of stupidity, virtue signalling, bigotry and twisted logic from the other camp. It delights us and confirms our righteousness, while our friends shake their heads sadly at how low the other side has fallen.

And we all fall into the neatly laid trap that has been so expertly set for us.

That trap is seeing arguments in a left/right context and aligning ourselves on one side or the other. The mainstream media doesn't help. They gave up their neutrality a long time ago and will frame their “reporting” to suit their audience, sponsors and owners. They are experts at highlighting the extreme idiocy of the fringe elements of the “other side.” In doing so they tar all elements of the opposing side with the same brush.

Yes, there are extremes of stupidity, bigotry and smugness that emanate from both the left and the right side of politics. Extremes that are meant to shock, divide and alienate while the wheels of injustice crush all beneath it. We keep getting diverted down blind alleys while the powers that shouldn't be career down the oligarch highway with the pedal pressed firmly to the metal.

While we keep playing this game we can't win. We simply can't and if we even looked a remote chance, a new diversion would be created to ensure that we continued fighting amongst ourselves.

The left-right paradigm is an artificial construct designed to have us at each other's throats. It's working a treat because ordinary people don't get the opportunity to sit down with ordinary people and calmly discuss their differences of opinion. The whole concept of negotiation appears utterly alien to our society which has been dumbed down to think of politics in terms of win/lose.

This break down in what should be a basic tenet of a civil society has been hastened by the rise of the social media echo chamber. Social media can be wonderful, it also can effectively kill any thought or discussion. When you surround yourself with people who think the same as you, your political commentary becomes a giant pissing contest. Any contrary view is howled down and labelled with some sort of blanket slur (racist, sexist. Homophobic, libtard, Hilbot etc.) This is usually followed by a round of back-slapping from the echo chamber. Everybody feels great and the gap between left and right grows that little bit bigger.

As the gap grows wider, the guys at the top get fatter and fatter. There really is no distinction between most political parties. They agree on 90 percent of policy for starters and then argue around the edges. The edges never affect the everyday lives of working people. Yes, there may be a tax cut here and a spending increase there, but they by and large don't go anywhere near addressing the real problems that people face on a day to day basis.

More often than not political parties define themselves around some hot-button issues that guarantee a rusted on audience. They then juggle their policies sufficiently to win over some of the middle ground. It's cynical, partisan

A political system that consists of two major parties is not a democratic system – it offers the illusion of one. Politics can never be as simple as picking a team and barracking for it. It is above all else about achieving the possible with the aid of goodwill. It takes negotiation skills, integrity, honesty, courage and transparency. Sadly, these qualities are lacking across the Western world.

Good politicians put people first and represent their people's will. Because we focus on the National and International stage, politics appears aloof and impervious to our needs.

We can change that by thinking local. Start seeking out the local representatives that will best represent you – not their party and hold their feet to the fire.

It is our only chance.


I would have to say you are totally correct. The two halves of the corporate Neo-Liberal movement (Democrats & Republicans) have engineered this mess for the past 50 years. They are real enemy of Democracy. We desperately need a strong 3rd party in USA to force comprimise. Voting Blue or Red is voting for the same thing over and over and over and over. It has to stop.

Thank you.
It's not just the USA. Australia too is dominated by two major parties and everything is reduced to a lesser evil basis. The only time Parliament looked like working was when a couple of independents held the balance of power and every bill had to be negotiated. It was messy and portrayed as unworkable by the MSM but it was democracy in action.

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