Twitter And Its Political Conspiracy Destroying Democracy In Indonesia

in #politics5 years ago

This world is talking a lot about freedom and democracy. How we all support and how we hate those tyrants who have no respect at all to each of our individual right of freedom and democracy. But in fact, it is just a new kind of "poisoning" words of saying that "venomize" our life. There is no such freedom and democracy, it is just about power and money.


Some of us may still remember when Twitter did not allow any kind of pornographic contents, but due to freedom and democracy, as they said, now there are a lot of porn accounts and pornographic contents on Twitter. But look at Twitter now, especially in Indonesia. Not only one or two opposition accounts have been suspended, locked, and even blocked, but too many.

My account is being suspended at the moment, for the second time, since I open this account on November 2018. I did not violate any rules and regulations, I am just using my rights to speak. I do not even spread any news but my own words, mostly poems and satire, spirit of freedom and democracy. Only tyrants and its chronies who do not like my words. What a "WOW"!

I do understand that business is business, and politic is a very good business, especially when you have power in media or social media. You can be fully incharge in controlling news and informations. It does not matter if it is manipulative, hoax, or even totally wrong, as long as you get more money and get what you want, you don't care. You can even swear in the name of God, but the truth is not always the truth, isn't it?

Indonesia is facing problems of freedom and democracy, due to political disputes that reach its peak a few month before the president election (April 17th, 2019), up till now. In a certain period, the government even blocked our access to any kind of social media, because they now that social media is the only place for opposition to spread the truth, informations, and to keep our spirit together. We can't count any media since it has been "couped" by the government. Anything they said, we no longer believe.

They who spread those hoaxes and false informations but we, the oppositions who have to face the reality of being accused for telling the truth. There is no justice for all. Justice is only for those who support current government. Those who are asking to get fair elections and a better life of freedom and democracy are being threatened and some even jailed for doing nothing. People are killed, more than 700, and more than 11,000 are hospitalized just because they were witnessing the election's poles. For them it is just normal, exhausted might kill that much people. But for us, it is a new world record. (

A lot of important opposition's accounts are hacked, and used to spread hoax and false informations. Influencers accounts are being suspended and blocked. I fully understand, that it is not Twitter who is spreading the informations, but I believe that Twitter is doing something with it. Why only all opposition accounts that being threated like this?! Why those people who actually spreading hoax and false information, though being reported, are still exist?! What is Twitter trying to do to Indonesia? Or should I say that it is true Twitter with its conspiracy is trying to destroy our freedom and democracy?!

I am here waiting, eagerly but not bashfully to see the truth about Twitter. I am sure the whole world will also waiting. Let's see!

Bandung, June 7th 2019

Mariska Lubis


Twitter is all about oppressing Conservative speech.

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