
In my view it's just healthy but dangerous competition.
America and the west have had everything their own way for far to long.
Propaganda works both ways.
Who says Capitalism is the best way?
Freedom in the west is just a myth.
We are all controlled by the might of the huge multinational companies.

Posted using Partiko Android

How many Americans are moving to Russia and China?

China is more capitalist than America these days and much less free. There are way more executions and prisoners in China than the rest of the world combined. They have done away with the inconvenience of elections and their only political party has the biggest army in the world and absolute control over media. To compare it to America is a joke. You are either completely ignorant or dishonest.

I dont know if you are a Korean national or an American living in Korea. But you have no idea what is happening in America that is for sure.
China is more capitalist than America, no country in the world is more Capitalistic than the good old US of A.
For capitalist read America.
Its news media is run by Billionaires and backed by sponsorship of huge multinational companies.
Do you think they would not toe the party line. Would they say some drug is killing people, when their biggest sponsor is the company that is producing that product?
Control comes in many forms.
Do you think they came to South Korea's aid out of the compassion for it's people. No they didn't want Russia to have a forward air base on China's doorstep. They wanted that and that what they got.
And to top it all they installed a puppet government as they do in every country they invade.
You call me ignorant.
We have a saying in the west.
American people are like Mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed in bullshit.
Oh and criminals are executed in America as they are in China.
American also holds people for years in Guantanamo bay without trial. Is that good human rights?
10 of thousands of people move to China and Russia for work and education. The big company called Google told me that.
I am assuming that you are translating this so I will forgive you for calling me ignorant it must have been a mistake in translation.
Look up Flint water on Google and see what the US does to its own people in pursuit of profit. I wish you a good day.

Posted using Partiko Android

America has 75X the immigrants as China and China has at least 75X the executions as America.

10 thousands move to Russia and China, however, millions move to America.

I have been to America, Russia and China. I can assure you out of the three America is the best. Please visit China and Russia, spend some time there, I'm sure you will agree they aren't nice places to live compared to America.

If you can I suggest you download or find a full copy of this movie.

The real America not what the press presents to the world.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've seen it. Michael Moore loves America. He is just upset when the Democrats are not in power. There is no way he would go on record saying Russia or China are better than America because he would become a complete laughingstock.

If you re read my post I was not advocating for China or America.
I was merely suggesting that both communism and capitalism need a check. Somewhere in the middle is the ground we need to be on.
I am a socialist not a communist.
Don't get the two mixed up. Countries can be run both for the poor and the rich. As Britain was after ww2. With the introduction of s good welfare system. Including housing and a health service free for all not just those in work or the rich.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree there is room for improvement in both systems. However, capitalism is much better than socialism because it's actually a practical solution. For socialism to work, we need either consensus, massive amounts of money or extreme state violence.

Interesting point there.

Thanks for the comment, Capitalism has been hijacked and is not what we have as a system as such apparently, although it is called that. You are correct in saying it is the multinational corporations that override national laws sometimes.

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