Metadata is an interesting beast. Especially when relating to Russia and Wikileaks.

in #politics7 years ago

Wikileaks is awesome. Your opinion may vary, but when they chuck out nuggets like this:

...that we can fully appreciate the bar they set for transparancy.

This link is a treasure trove.
Literally, a splendiferous hoard of information. There's a timeline of the various news outlets covering the "hack." And then a bonus.

Some of the original documents (made available by outlets like TSG) show something mighty interesting in the metadata.

The metadata shows that a fellow by the name of WARREN FLOOD created the documents... and that Russian McRussiandudeoffsky got a hold of those documents less than an hour after creation.

That suggests a couple different scenarios.

-The Russian "Hack" is an inside job, designed to discredit the Podesta Wikileaks by contractor, Warren Flood OR
-Russians are super awesome hackers and were inside the server at such vital moments right after documents were created by Warren Flood.

Who, you might be asking, is this Warren Flood fellow? Well, there ya go. He bleeds blue and poses with tools (after seeing Creepy Uncle Joe vids, yeah. Biden is a tool. A gross, touchy-feely tool.)

Is Warren Flood Guccifer 2.0? Is Warren Flood the leak?

If so, did he take it upon himself to alter the documents to cast a shadow of Russian-flavored disinformation? Especially when we have information from a former British ambassador that it was an insider leak, not a hack?

Washington Times

We already know that Podesta stated he was willing to make an example of the leaker. And if Seth Rich is the assumed leaker and was made example of...

Then I think it qualifies as a legitimate clusterfuck.

These rabbit holes never seem to end, do they?


Aw, this post is after my own heart. Red Scare needed to end with the Cold War.

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