Big List of Confirmed Conspiracies (vol 1.5)

in #politics7 years ago

Please note I have declined payout because this post is to preserve information in the blockchain without it being edited or otherwise altered from the author's final draft; this is VITAL information for our nation and world as a whole. All credit goes to 911bodysnatchers322 for assembling this epic list of crimes and atrocities.

The original post was too long; I am posting the human trafficking and sex crimes as a separate entry.

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List of Confirmed Conspiracies


You'll notice many are prefaced by the word, 'Project', typically by the CIA or other international intelligence agency. This may give you the idea that these are just 'typical operations' of our government. After all, "the world is always at war and you need spies". Or do you? Especially in a technocratic world where everyone can talk to everyone, around the world. I challenge that assumption.

May I remind you that the definition of conspiracy is two or more operating in secret to cause harm. So when the CIA assassinates world leaders in secret, it does harm to them but not to US citizens because they are operating on our behalf. In this way, we justify their bad behavior. I want you to reevaluate the "causes harm" part behind their behavior. By deposing dictators and playing chess with the planet, have they really made us safer?

Legend -or- The Usual Suspects:

  • [U]: CIA and/or UK's SIS/MI6
  • [I]: Israel's Mossad ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)
  • [G]: Freemasons; Power Elite, Secret Societies
  • [S]: Soviets, Russia, KGB, Communism
  • [A]: Arabic country, Islamic extremists
  • [J]: Jesuits, Catholics, Vatican City
  • [M]: Mafia, Mobsters, gun / gold / drug / human trafficking, crime syndicates
  • [N]: Nazis; Nazism; NeoNazism; Ratline Nazism
  • [F]: Financial crime by Industrialists, Bankers; or Fascists depending on context
  • [O/C]: Other, Companies/Business plots; Corporations
  • [P]: Politicians; Preachers; Police; Pedophile-networks; or all the above, depending on context (ex:Dennis Hastert).
  • [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P] -- Indicates Cryptofascist Globalist Conspirators

The Conspiracies

  • Jack Abramoff Indian Lobbying scandal [O,P]
  • Jameson Raid : A failed attempt by Cecil Rhodes and others to engineer and foment a British migrant gold mining worker insurrection (uitlanders) in order to wresle control of the vicinity of now-present-day Johannesburg (S.Af) using his army from adjacent British colony Rhodesia. His vision was to power grab this area from the indigenous Boer as an autonomous british colony to siphon money off Dutch mining interests there. [F,M,O,P]
  • Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show disappearing from DVRs : Minor conspiracy involving the cable companies removal of Ventura's Police state episode from DVRs. Minor but important in that it demonstrates the police state ecology and its effect on the spectrum of information we are allowed to receive. [U,O]
  • Jonestown Massacre :a mass murder by drug-addled, black 'integrationist', fascist commune "cult" leader, Reverend Jim Jones, in remote Carribean NW Guyana in the late 1970s. Formally, the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, Jonestown was not so much a 'cult' but rather a prison, used by Jones for torture, slavery, class and eugenics experimentation, drug experimentation. Misreported for decades in the media as 'mass suicide', Jonestown remains today a 'cautionary tale of the dangers of cults' as well as the 'dangers of communism' in the minds of most people, even though it's completely wrong and nonhistorical. Survivor testimony as well as the intriguing murders undermine this suicide narrative, including the murder of Congressman Leo Ryan, the only US House rep to be assassinated in office. Ryan was investigating reported abuses by hostages within the commune and murdered prior to the mass murder. This Jonestown VICE documentary, and Mae Brussell's Jonestown radio broadcast part 1, part 2, part 3 set the record on this 'cult' straight, although Brussell's reportage leads into a larger conspiracy possibly involving the CIA. Brussell promoted the idea the Jonestown was a state-sponsored paperclip nazi social experiment run by the CIA, and utilized as a hegelian race psyop. Jonestown is being included here for what can be proven, and unfortunately until the CIA comes clean on Jonestown, we have to conclude that Jonestown was a conspiracy on the basis of Jim Jones' mass murder alone. [S,F,O]
  • Lewinsky Scandal : Spook Linda Tripp (army intelligence secretary) working for Bush and Clinton wiretapped Clinton and Lewinski's relationship and leaked it, leading to Clinton's impeachment, his conspiracy with Lewinski and Paula Jones to obstruct justice and commit perjury, and his famous play with words "what your definition of 'is' is". Note this is a two-sided-conspiracy: illegal surveillence and its attempt at coverup. (Many people like myself, think the whole thing was stupid white house drama.) [U,P,O]
  • Ludlow Massacre : Colorado National Guard killed two dozen protesting unionized coal miners on behalf of Rockefellers [O]
  • Media Collusion to Steal Election for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Presidential Election : This is one of the main conspiracies revealed by both and Project Veritas and quite simply by /r/conspiracy users browsing wikipedia and mapping out known relationships of people within Obama's cabinet. Except of course, for the revelation of the Off-the-Record Cocktail party, in which media reps met in secret at Joel Benenson's place to receive their media scripts, there was no attempt to hide this conspiracy really. It was an open secret that the Office of the Executive (POTUS) nearly always has direct ties to the heads of the media. Several prominent narratives emerged from further investigation: the age-old "Conspiracy Theory Narrative", made most prominent by Rachel Madow, an OTR cocktail party RSVP'er; the "simultaneous 'stop whining about election fraud' narrative" initiated unethically by Obama'; and the "election fraud doesn't happen" narrative. Certainly, the 7th floor group (CIA) made sure that at least some credibility was restored by the unexpected Trump win, giving the appearance of an election, not a selection. [Obama, Hillary Clinton Campaign, 7th floor group, CIA]
  • MTA Subway Particle Testing on Humans with gene barcode DNATrax 2016 : A repeat testing of 'passenger bioweapon vulnerability' by MTA and Homeland security (see "Operation Big City"). Homeland Security released particles with randomized DNA into the air, which could potentially create a whole host of new diseases as exogenous dna absorbed into epithelium is asking for problems. This is more illegal human experimentation that just 'happens' and then we have to deal with it. It's included because it can only be harmful in intent because we have software to map out the sub system and we have astounding cgi physics capabilities to accurately model the sub system and don't have to release it on people without their knowledge. [U,O]
  • NWO - New World Order, verified by perpetrators themselves, David Rockefeller, as well as Zibiniew Bryzinski** [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
  • National Crime Syndicate : Italian and Jewish mafias of 1930s-60s [M]
  • Non-state Terrorist attacks : List of terror attacks by various groups not affiliated with the state, such as the KKK or other RWA militias.
  • Octogon Trust. A shell company founded by arms dealer Rudolf Ruschewey, suitcase holder of a financial system whose base is the villa Octogon (Switzerland), that allowed the secret funding of the CDU Christian Democratic Union of Germany from Nazi Gold with the logistical assistance of former CIA Director Allen Dulles, the then station director of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services)^[1][2][3][4][5]. Due to the 'ephemeral' nature of this information (links disappearing), these links have been proxyed with [N,G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Operation 40 : Cuban exiles group used in Bay of Pigs invasion [U,P,M]
  • Operation TP-Ajax : CIA plot to overthrow democratically elected Prime Minister to reinstall Monarchy and guarantee future problems with radical Islam, Iran, and perpetual war, because we like war and hate capitalism, actually. No, that's not it. We like us. US. [U,P] Also, tp as in toilet paper and ajax as in soap to clean up. That's what the cia thought of the middle east btw. More mockery of humanity.
  • Operation Big City : allegations of biological warfare tests on americans leaked by Church of Scientology following their raid on CIA offices (see "Operation Snow White"), later verified as true by several sources on wikipedia. CIA Agents tossed lightbulbs filled with 'harmless' Bacillus globigii onto subway tracks in the New York Subway System, releasing the bacteria into the subway tunnels in a field study called "A Study of the Vulnerability of Subway Passengers in New York City to Covert Attack with Biological Agents."
  • Operation Black Eagle : Albanian mafia importing heroin into the US. [M]
  • Operation Chaos : Nixon and Johnsons's paranoiac surveillance, tracking and reporting plan embedded agents into all aspects of student antiwar organizations; operation to undermine the counter-culture by harassment, entrapment, and gaslighting the public. [U,P]
  • Operation Charly : Argentine-CIA counterinsurgency. [U]
  • Operation Condor : Elimination of leftist regimes in the southern cone of South America by the CIA and other South American right-wing dictatorships. 60,000 killed including priests, nuns, students, intellectuals, etc. Sold as a counterterrorism effort, this operation that made Kissinger a war criminal. [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Operation Cyclone : CIA funded islamic terrorists in Afghanistan to fight Soviets. Fast forward to now: We see how that went. This activity is part of a series of nwo moves made by the upper echelon of the CIA's cryptofascista. [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Operation Demetrius : Violence, arrest and mass internment of N. Irish civilians without trial, interrogation and torture based on faulty intelligence leading to displacement of 7000 civilians in the mass sweep. This was essentially a police state abuse, a mass breaking into people's homes, beating them, ripping them from their families, jailing and torturing them in a way similar to the spanish inquisition, many of which were innocents held without trial, physically and psychologically abused with drugs and torture in a manner similar to abuses at Abu Graib. [J,U,P]
  • Operation Duck Hook : Nixon's revenge plan to nuke north Vietnam in 1969 were our interests lost to the Vietnamese. It was canceled by protests.
  • Operation Dormouse : Notice that link doesn't work. Interesting huh? Here's one that does., and here's another in case they scrub that one too
  • Operation Freakout : Church of Scientology's covert plan intended to have the U.S. author and journalist Paulette Cooper imprisoned or committed to a psychiatric hospital [O]
  • Operation Garden Plot: Army and National Guard plan to 'respond to domestic civil disturbances within the US. In other words, their plan to murder, corral, and control us citizens if the government feels threatened. [DESCRIPTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION--Please help] [U,O,P]
  • Operation Gladio : NATO conspiracy to create a network of agents acting as a 'stay behind' army to take over Europe, ostensibly "in the event of an emergency soviet/communist attack". Connected to Propaganda Due and the deep state created by the secret lodge. [G,J, U,P,F,O]
  • Operation Himmler : German false flag to incite Polish aggression. [F]
  • Operation ILL Wind : "Operation ILL Wind was a three-year investigation launched in 1986 by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation into corruption by U.S. government and military officials, and private defense contractors." "Government officials, private individuals and companies were eventually convicted of various crimes including nine government officials, 42 Washington consultants, 7 military contractors^[1] as well as executives at GE, Boeing and United Technologies."^[2] [U,C,P]
  • Operation Menu : US covert bombing of Cambodian sanctuaries. [U]
  • Operation Midnight Climax : CIA dosed prostitutes with LSD and watched them have sex behind mirrors. "Because of important research with US tax dollars, guys." Subproject of MKULTRA [U,P]
  • Operation Mockingbird : CIA infiltration of media and publishing with agents to push CIA's cryptofascist, authoritarian, hawkish defense-industry-promoting views. [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Operation Northwoods : proposed false-flag of CIA against Cuba, turned down by JFK. We know what happens next. [U,P]
  • Operation Paperclip : US intelligence recruitment of over 1600 Nazi scientists into US military intelligence. With Paperclip came mass psychology, ritual abuse studies that became the basis of future project MKULTRA. In Paperclip over 7000 US soldiers were subjected to Nazi experimentation, including testing poisonous gas and LSD on them, in the name of security. Everything the public wanted them not to do.
  • Mae Brussell's Project Paperclip podcast (5/23/1982)
  • The True History and Purpose of NASA
  • Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America. The following resources help explain the impact of Project Paperclip, perhaps the most ruinous conspiracy in the history of the US.
  • Nazis did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt (author of "Deliberate Dumbing Down of America")
  • The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency
  • The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government
  • Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Destructive Impact on Our Domestic and Foreign Policy (Forbidden Bookshelf)
  • Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990
  • Jack Parsons: Jet Propelled Antichrist : documentary about founder of JPL lab and connections to Nazi SS occult, Scientology. Can't make this stuff up.
  • Operation PBSUCCESS : CIA sponsored Guatemalan coup d’etat of 1954 [U,P]
  • Operation PBFORTUNE : precursor to PBSUCCESS [U,P]
  • Operation Satinique : Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace's flagship, for protesting French nuclear test near New Zealand by France's CIA. 1 died, ten others thrown into the water by bombs planted on the ship. [DGSE]
  • Operation Snow White : The Church of Scientology broke into US government offices in order to steal information and purge unfavorable records about the church. It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history, with up to 5000 cover agents worldwide. (How Scientology continues to exist is well beyond me. They must have gotten some juicy blackmailable info.) [P]
  • Operation Top Hat : was a local field exercise conducted by the United States Army Chemical Corps in 1953. The exercise involved the use of Chemical Corps personnel to test biological and chemical warfare decontamination methods. These personnel were deliberately exposed to these contaminants, so as to test decontamination.
  • Operation Washtub: CIA-organized false flag operation to plant a phony Soviet arms cache in Nicaragua to demonstrate Guatemalan ties to Moscow [U]
  • Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii : by US Marines and help from US Citizens [U,P]
  • Pan Am Flight 110 : In 1973 PLO terrorists attacked an airport in Rome and hijacked Pan am Flight 110. The PLO said the men would be tried for carrying out an "unauthorized operation". The five terrorists were later released under negotiations during another hijacking that took place on 21 November 1974, but were then returned to the custody of the PLO. [A]
  • The Pentagon Papers : papers that revealed the Johnson Administration "systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress." [U,P]
  • Phoebus cartel : Industrial conspiracy to control the light bulb industry through large scale planned obsolescence involving GE, Philips, Swiss companies. [O]
  • Phoenix Program : "Author, poet, and journalist Douglas Valentine states that "Central to Phoenix is the fact that it targeted civilians, not soldiers". A CIA-sponsored program to torture, kill and mind-control 81,740 Viet Cong civilians, killing 41,000 civilians. Just to understand what killing civilians is about: this would be equivalent of "the terrorists" blowing up the WTC 13.666 times. [U]
  • The Plot to kill FDR by Bankers : Bankers tried to assassinate our president. Wouldn't be the first time. Or last. [F]
  • [Podesta Emails] : John Podesta is the former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. On Oct 7, 2016, Whistleblowing / Hacktivist website started to publish thousands of emails retrieved from Podesta's private Gmail account, revealing widespread political corruption, campaign rule violations, widespread media collusion leading to nearly a total confabulation of the american public's perception of reality, by the aggressive promotion of Clinton-related news, downplaying any negative Clinton news, downplaying any positive Trump news, and spreading disinformation on her competitors. The emails also have lead to many other pending intrigues surrounding Clinton, including one surrounding her lovely familiar and right-hand-woman Huma Abedin's connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and arms deals, as revealed when these connections were tied in with emails discovered by the FBI on Abedin's husband and sex offender Anthony Weiner's smartphone. Finally, there is a pending intrigue being called 'pizzagate' whose alleged codewords and pedophile connections are peppered throughout these emails, with attachments that are provocative and suggestive of a larger occult plot surrounding John Podesta, Obama, Clinton, Lady Gaga and their millieu. These emails have been DKIM certified by Google^^[1][2][3][4]--which, as you may recall, is a service funded by the CIA-founded company In-Q-Tel. Meaning that if the veracity of Podesta emails are in question, then one must question every email and search result Google has ever served to the end-user, as well as their published crypto schemas. This logic is our justification of including these emails as factual, though others less knowledgeable about the technical details of DKIM protest their veracity. Several security firms have given their expert testimony that these emails are not doctored, despite the protestations of the media which has already been caught as a mouthpiece of the 7th floor group and the Clinton cadre. [The Mainstream Media, DNC, Clinton, Podesta, Obama, 7th floor group]
  • Prescott Bush aided the Nazis : Bush received a slap on wrist for violating the 'Trading with the Enemy Act' because of his last-minute promotion of Veterans programs. The psychohistorical, fascist underpinnings of the motivational, *dada-approval-seeking-behavior of future Bushlings. (He no doubt used widows son excuse or held up geronimo's skull) [G,F,O,P]
  • Project Artichoke : predecessor to MKULTRA. The project studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction (and subsequent forced withdrawal), and the use of other chemicals including LSD, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects. [U,P]
  • Project Azorian : 1974 recovery of sunken Soviet nuclear sub, hidden from public until 2010 [U]
  • Project FUBELT : CIA plot to inhibit Salvador Allende's rise to power, and to promote a military coup in Chile. [U,P]
  • Project Merrimac : CIA not FBI infiltrating domestic anti-war groups. This act alone, with the CIA's mission, symbolically treats lawful US citizens as enemy-combatants. [U]
  • Project Minaret : Sister to Project Shamrock; targetting anti-war journalists. [U]
  • Project MKDELTA : sister project to MKULTRA whose activities were performed domestically, MKDELTA involved surreptitious use of LSD and other biochemicals on foreign nationals. [U,P]
  • Project MKOFTEN : the goal of MKOFTEN was to "test the behavioral and toxicological effects of certain drugs on animals and humans". MKOFTEN was also 'to "explore the world of black magic" and "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach". As part of Operation Often, Dr. Gottlieb and other CIA employees visited with and recruited fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologists, mediums, psychics, specialists in demonology, witches and warlocks, Satanists, other occult practitioners, and more.', according to Gordon Thomas in his 2007 book Secrets and Lies. More on this project in "Monarch: The New Phoenix Program" [U,P]
  • Project MKULTRA : CIA's massive, widespread mind control program derived directly from Artichoke and Paperclip (import of nazis into US intelligence). Its goals included trying to make Manchurian Candidates (aka "monarchs": sex robots and assassins), and how to extract information from people by force, how to destroy people's minds. [G,U,P,F,M,O]
  • Project Resistence : More domestic surveillance of anti-war groups. [U]
  • Project SHAMROCK : Covert bulk collection of all telegraphic data entering or leaving the 1945. [U,P]
  • P2 / Propaganda Due : Massive-scale, Italian-Swiss-Argentine cryptofascist intrigue revealing an Italian Deep state (shadow government) operated out of a secret Freemason lodge run by Licio Gelli**, that succeeded in subverting the intelligence community, attempted a coup of the media, constitution, attempted assassinations of several figures and killed in a false-flag terrorist bombing. P2 is implicated in the unproven assassination of Pope John Paul I.** [G,J,M,F,O,P,U]
  • Banco Ambrosiano : Italian bank that collaped in 1982, unable to account for $1.287 billion.
  • Licio Gelli : "Venerable master" of clandestine, Italian Freemason Lodge of P2. Fascist, Catholic criminal mafia leader. Caused collapse of Banco Ambrosiano and was involved in Bologna railway station bombing, killing 85. Jailed for only 2 months in Switzerland, then transferred to Italy for a sentence made in absentia, Gelli was shortly placed on house arrest, escaped to France, where he was again caught.
  • Michele Sindona : Italian banker, member of P2 and convicted felon with clear connections to the Sicilian Mafia. He was the interface between US, Swiss, and Vatican Banks, acting as a high-level, international fence. He was poisoned to death while serving a life sentence for the murder of lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli. [G,J,M,F,O]
  • [Years of Lead (Italy)]( : Waves of terrorism events in Italy from '68-72, culminating in the Bologna massacre and the discovery of the P2 secret lodge. Neofascist Italian Freemasons were responsible for the years of lead. A wave of terror similar to years of lead is happening in the US right now, from OKC to 9/11, ISIS, etc. [G,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Bologna Massacre : Terrorist bombing at the Central Station of Blogna, Italy on August 2,1980, killing 85 and wounding more than 200. Attack was by neofascist terror org Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari (armed revolutionary nuclei). Licio Gelli was brought on charges in Switzerland for his involvement in this bombing. Similar to the decade following 9/11, "in September 1980 a "Lebanese connection" is manufactured, involving Al Fatah, Falangists, Italian radicals and Swiss journalists tied to the Italian intelligence community, who supply investigators with fake notes, memos, and reports.[8] This was followed by a "KGB connection" fostered by head of Intelligence General Giuseppe Santovito, a member of P2, and Francesco Pazienza."^[1] [G,J,M,F,O,P]
  • Rajneeshee bioterror attack of 1984 : The 1984 Rajneeshee bioterror attack was the food poisoning of 751 individuals in The Dalles, Oregon, through the deliberate contamination of salad bars at ten local restaurants with salmonella. A leading group of followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (later known as Osho) had hoped to incapacitate the voting population of the city so that their own candidates would win the 1984 Wasco County elections. The incident was the first and single largest bioterrorist attack in United States history. [Mkultra cult^^[lrp]]
  • Reichstag fire : Nazi party burned the Reichstag in 1933 as a false flag to incite violence against Communists [F]
  • The Rendon Group : exports PR and Propaganda worldwide on behalf of the US Military Intelligence. A foreigner's project mockeringbird. (Why think, when a policy house can do if for you?) [U]
  • Rex 84 Plan : covert action plan and readiness drill to detain large numbers of US citizens deemed to be "national security threats". [U,P]
  • Ruby Ridge : because of an overstated threat profile of Randy Weaver, the USMS and FBI after committed a criminal act of wrongful deaths of Weaver family in northern Idaho during a seige of their property. General belief now, 20 yrs later is it was 'accidentally on purpose': that Ruby Ridge was one example of the state making an example out of militias, a warning to would-be subverts, and an excuse to ask for more policing power. [U,P]
  • Room 641A : NSA's covert, co-located, mass-surveillance facility within AT&T; operating illegally for years. [U]
  • Russell Welch : Arkansas state police whistleblower who collected evidence for decades about CIA cocaine smuggling via Mena, Arkansas; and claimed Barry Seal was trafficking more than cocaine in place like Mena in Oklahoma. Wikipedia had deleted this article after whining about the sources maybe being inaccurate and labeling it 'fringe conspiracy theory', when it's really a government witness testimony corroborated by 2 others directly involved, one of which actually did the smuggling.[who?][source?]. [U,P,M]
  • Russian Woodpecker : Russian Duga Radar Tower used ostensibly for detecting nuclear weaponry, has, according to late Dr. Bob Beck, electronics physicist for US intelligence research and then-investigator of the Eugene Oregon 'woodpecker signal' shortwave interference pattern, created a 10Hz biologically-active resonant interference wave ("reconstructing heterodynes" via "signal-harmonic of 50Hz") by weaponizing the US power grid itself. There is a documentary on the Russian Woodpecker documentary on amazon.. Apparently, it has started back again since Dec 2013, since it stopped during the Chernobyl accident.
  • Smallpox infected blankets given to Native Americans : Biological warfare against Native People. [U,P]
  • The School of the Americas : US training in Georgia for latin american insurgents. [U]
  • Solyndra shakeout : Solar manufacturer had $535 million loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy and yet shortly thereafter declared bankruptcy, triggering a congressional and FBI investigation. They declared bankruptcy because of an inability to compete with China's solar prices which dropped a wildly unforeseen 90% during their guarantee and manufacturing start. The Chinese solar industry colluded to destroy Solyndra in a 'shakeout'. [O,F]
  • The Special Collection Service : putting surveillance tools in weird places like inside pidgeons and inside Angela Merkel's private cellphone for over 10 yrs, causing diplomatic backlashes. [U]
  • Stargate Project : DIA and SRI international project to study psychic phenomenon, remote viewing, and other 'psychotronics'. (In this context, 'psychic' weaponry, distinct from 'biologically active electronic weaponry' now more commonly called 'directed energy weapons' or DAWs; the conflation of the two is very purposeful, it's to make someone sound dumb for using the term.)
  • Stingray devices : used illegally by law enforcement, until we found out about them. [P,U]
  • Stuxnet : under the name Equation Group, NSA/CIA wrote extremely complex malware to ruin Iranian nuclear centrifuges by targeting very specific Siemans chips. "The techniques and knowledge used by the Equation Group were considered in summary to be "out of the reach of most advanced threat groups in the world except [this group]." (In other words only a very advanced, well-funded, state-sponsored group. All signs point to NSA. We'll find out in about 40 yrs when its declassified.) [U,O,P]
  • Suppressing Sarkhan : A book later released as "The Deceptive American" initially disappeared from bookshelves because Lederer claims CIA thought it revealed too much about their current operations in Thailand. [U]
  • [Testimony of Nayirah]( : "They took the bebbies from the incubehtoors!" SOB. Everyone believed. We went. Many died. On a lie. [A,U]
  • Tepper Aviation : CIA funded proxy war by giving arms secretly to Angola. (One of many illegal proxy wars.) [U]
  • Torture of US Detainees : "a joint U.S.-Iraqi inspection of the "Site 4" Iraqi National Police (INP) detention complex discovered more than 1,400 detainees in squalid, cramped conditions. Forty-one detainees interviewed had bruising and lash-marks consistent with violent physical abuse. Thirty-seven juveniles were illegally held at the facility, many alleging sexual abuse. Ministry of Interior (MOI) officials appear to have been comfortable engaging in large-scale violence against detainees at a well-known Baghdad facility that had been officially inspected twice since December 2005 (and visited unofficially half-a-dozen times by Post), indicating that MOI's capture-and-confess culture is Unabashedly tolerant of physical abuse. Of the forty-one detainees interviewed on May 30 who displayed bruising, broken bones, and lash-marks, many claimed to have been hung by handcuffs from a hook in the ceiling and beaten on the soles of their feet and their buttocks. A hook was discovered on the ceiling of an empty room at the facility; attached was a chain-and-pulley system ordinarily used for lifting vehicles. Apparent bloodspots stained the floor underneath. A number of juvenile detainees, mostly young teenagers, alleged sexual abuse at the hands of MOI personnel -- specifically, that MOI interrogators had used threats and acts of anal rape to induce confessions and had forced juveniles to fellate them during interrogations. These allegations were also raised independently with inspectors by adult detainees who claimed knowledge of juvenile rapes." This cable is but the tip of the iceberg of a litany of abuses that have emerged from the contressional CIA torture report, which includes rectal rehydration and rectal feeding of detainees.^[1][2]
  • Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiment -- "an infamous [surreptitious] clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service studying the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the United States government" [U,P]
  • Unit 731 : covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook lethal human experimentation upon as many as 250,000 citizens during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II. It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Japan. [M,O,P]
  • United Fruit Company : A company doubling as a shell corporation used for money laundering, blackops / militia funding and economic warfare by JFD and his brother Allen Dulles of the CIA. [F,O,P,U]
  • The USS Liberty incident : Our pals, Israel attacked a US ship, killing 34. [I,A]
  • Valerie Plame CIA Leak Scandal : The George W Bush Administration's Richard Armitage leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent Valerie Plame to the press as retribution for her husband's publication of an op-ed in the New York Times doubting the veracity of statement by President Bush that "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa". In 2002, Plame wrote a ' memo to her superiors in which she expressed her hesitance to recommend her husband, former diplomat Joseph C. Wilson, to the CIA for a mission to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq had arranged to purchase and import uranium from the country, but stated that he "may be in a position to assist"'. In mid 2003, her husband published the op-ed in NYT. Suggesting that between the two, they had insider knowledge that the Bush Administration was trying to do something sneaky like manufacture a false story about Hussein, or kill Wilson in some false flag, coerce him into lying, psychop him, trade him to terrorists, etc. Either way, Bush was butthurt he couldn't use Plame's husband in some nefarious way, and punished her by destroying her cover and ending her career. [U,P, GW BUSH, Neocons]
  • Waco Seige : Seventh Day adventist based religious group in Texas was beseiged by US forces, and burned to death for not surrendering their leader, because their leader David Koresh was busy furiously writing his religious visions at the time of the seige, and had already told them he would surrender when finished. (The US Government murdered those people. So now, when you meet a Seventh Day adventist, do you feel safer, knowing they've been put in their place?) [U,P]
  • Watergate Scandal : a political scandal remembered as illegal surveillance was actually much bigger, wider scale than reportage gave and memory would suggest. [U,P]
  • WTC terrorist attack of 1993 : Offically, a WTC truck bombing by Islamic terrorists. In actuality, they were FBI informants provoked into the event. Open source investigator James Corbett demonstrated this is yet another state-sponsored terrorist, false flag event by the FBI. [U,P]

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ErrataRob Rob Graham٩(●̮̮̃●̃) tweeted @ 22 Oct 2016 - 00:15 UTC

BTW, Donna Brazile is a big fat liar. We can verify some of the Wikileaks emails, including this one

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

To me the greatest conspiracy of all has been neo-liberalism, it has destroyed most third world's individuals economies, by devaluation, reducing taxes for multinational corporations, killing off workers unions (at least in my country unionized workers 30 years ago were middle class, now they are just poor), and a long list of etceteras. And what were the benefits for people in said countries? None, the only thing I can see is the rich got much richer, and life for the average person just became much more difficult.
This has produced a vast emigration to countries that were better off, leading to the living standards in these new countries deteriorating.
Yet the campaign has been so good that a huge proprtion of people, all over the world have been conned into believing this system is great, if not, just see how the focus is on conspiracy theories when the real problem is right in front of your eyes. I know people here who blame communism for the sorry situation this country has been in, and we have never been near to having a communist government and we most probably never will, but that is one of the weapons used, divert people from seeing the real culprit.

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