JUST IN: Former President Obama INVOLVED In Murder!

in #politics7 years ago

JUST IN: Former President Obama INVOLVED In Murder!

Some terrible news gave the House Oversight and Governmental Reform to Barack Obama, when they published a damning report that condemns the former president’s administration for allegedly covering up the investigation into the death seven years ago of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

Western Journalism reported that Terry was killed in 2010 during a gunfight with Mexican cartel members along the U.S.-Mexico border. After the murder, guns that were found at the scene were traced to gun shops in Phoenix, Arizona. It was later revealed that at these shops, the U.S. government knowingly allowed criminals to obtain weapons so that they could track where the guns would end up.

This was known as “Operation Fast and Furious” and it was overseen by the DOJ’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. However, this project backfired when the government lost track of approximately 1,400- 2,000 of the guns sold, and it was two of these guns that showed up at the scene of Terry’s murder.

The Department of Justice guaranteed that it propelled an “inner test” into this, yet the report distributed on Wednesday uncovered that this examination was “to a great extent a sham, and it organized governmental issues and turn over open security.”

“The Department’s endeavors centered around dealing with the everyday media cycle and ensuring its senior political deputies as opposed to altogether researching charges of unfortunate behavior raised by informants,” the report expressed.

Senate Judiciary Committee executive Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said yesterday that the DOJ “had no expectation of searching for fair answers and being straightforward.”

“Truth be told, from the onset, civil servants utilized indecent postpone strategies to deter the examination,” he included.

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