Society and children

in #politics7 years ago

The idea that "society" gives a shit about children is laughable.

Children are thrown into day care while everyone pretends that its better for women to get back to work instead of looking after their own children. And this is accepted despite the overwhelming research that highlights the deleterious effect it has child development and despite the inescapable logical conclusion that the child is valued less than the slight increase in household income the mother being at work actually provides.

The normalization of divorce. The fact that divorce is so unquestioningly accepted, again despite overwhelming evidence that single parent households are significantly worse environments for children to be raised in.

The taboo with breast feeding. Breastfeeding is not only normal and natural, but it is ideal. If you're choosing not to breastfeed when there is no medical reason not to, you're doing your child a dis-service. The evidence for this is very clear.

The normalization of child abuse by using euphemisms like "spanking" and "discipline". A physical motion toward a child with the intent of invoking physical harm or fear is disgustingly cowardly and in any other setting is called assault. Stop hiding behind socially acceptable names like "spanking". If you don't grok the moral argument here, go look into the scientific research. It supports the obvious, morally consistent conclusion.

The monotony of school where obedience to authority and conformity is normalized.

The list goes on.

You say you want the best for your child? Prove it.

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