The dirty politics

in #politics7 years ago

In these last days I've been quite thoughtful, in relation to this subject in particular, although I must say that since I am a teenager I been interested in everything that involves politics and public opinion. Has always caused me interest, therefore, I am of those people who like to be better informed as possible, and through this informative reading, and from what I've seen on television, in addition to living in a country strongly politicized, I've taken many conclusions concerning this issue, which I would like to share with you, based on my point of view, and of which I have spoken with others.  

The politics that is usually a topic of continuous debate, and where many do not like to exercise any opinion, as it tends to hurt sensitivities in some people, is for me a fundamental issue, as most of us live in presidential regimes, where mostly the vote is direct. 

Now, not only I am going to talk about this part of the world to which I belong, but I am going to speak in a general context, regardless of the systems of existing governments or political ideologies, and I say this because my little experience has shown me that no existing political system, is truly effective, all in some way or another are the same, but with different names and objectives. 

As many of us know, the politician is characterized by its "Special gift” to influence public opinion, is to say to the people, and this somehow is developed over time, as we say some: "Practice makes the master". This way to convince the people that he or she are trained to carry the power, ends in countless times, falling into the demagoguery, i.e. on promises that are not going to get to fulfill. 

Us citizens we are aware that these promises in many cases are false, but for one reason, we always end up voting for the same people that maintain a speech that they are the "Saviors", and unfortunately we ended up falling into the lies of the politicians. Niccolò Machiavelli said: "Politics is the art of deceiving", and in his words there is much truth. 

Usually when we speak of the politicians in our homes, we all have something in common, is that politicians are liars, and consequently the politics is extremely "Dirty" so to speak. I am of the firm conviction that politicians are not forgotten something that is very easy to do, "Common Sense" toward the things. Get to think for a moment, many problems of our current societies can be arranged if you apply the common sense.

But where is truly the problem, is that the "Political and ideological Dogmas", do not allow any progress, since in them there can be no contradiction toward its political ideology, that is to say, for example, a socialist cannot do things capitalists, because in their heads, would go against their political thoughts. 

And it is where the problem lies in our current societies and of our systems of government. In my case for a long time here, I must confess that I do not believe in any political opinion and ideological, for me the solutions are in do more and talk less, because as I said earlier, I think that enclosed in a single opinion of how things should be is to get away from the realities, and consequently fall into a world of lies. 

Because the truth is that "Truth is subjective", none of us are owners of the absolute truth, I therefore believe that the politics is of fools, because despite the fact that these people are very scholars and have graduate programs, do not end to understand that societies, need action to resolve their problems, not speeches cheap no nothing. 

A Venezuelan dictator once said: "The political parties are a hindrance to national development". Regardless of my differences with that person, in which I cannot exert much opinion, because that is not what I saw, I fully agree with your expression, history has shown that the political parties are a group that defends nothing more their interests, although seek to demonstrate that it is the opposite. 

Follow me: @luisucv34

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