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RE: Crony capitalism & the corrupt EU!

in #politics5 years ago

So there you have it then, the EU ruling body state it is impossible reproduce a real life setting where there is grit and dust?????????
I suggest they simply look down to the ground!

...That would never work - it's a vacuum cleaner , not a septic tank hose..

He needs to now stop wagging a finger at the EU as he is getting his brexit, that's funny.
(whispers 'think PESCA and the real implications for a 'brexit')

(I'm pretty sure it's called peska or pesca - just 'ducked' 3 pages to find it - and it's not listed....!!!scary...I'll leave it with ya..)


...That would never work - it's a vacuum cleaner , not a septic tank hose..

Not quite getting you there? All they have to do is vacuum a dirty floor, in any house to complete that test. (Like it states Dyson do)

Never heard of PESKA before, whats that about then?

Not quite getting you there?

...if Eu politicans looked down, they'd be wallowing in shit...

peska - the unification of all UK and european armed forces

This is still going ahead at full speed. , and has not slowed down post brexit vote.
No sovereign army, definitely no country...

Did you know we now have european army units stationed in dorset?(devon somerset,- somewhere down there).

UK column reports on regularly on it, for last 2 years..(every week nearly)
Farage, when approached by UK column, and asked about it , runs away - quite literally..

LOL I get you now, sorry my funny button was a bit off on that one due to daughter asking for things from me whilst I was reading.

Yes I have read about the EU barmy army idea, though like anything else they do it will collapse, as nobody will have any clue what anyone else is doing in said army, just a reflection of the EU. :-)

Yes I have read about the EU barmy army idea, though like anything else they do it will collapse, as nobody will have any clue what anyone else is doing in said army, just a reflection of the EU. :-)

It might be barmy - but it's still going ahead, as we type - with full support of the UK government...

Brexit won't happen unless the' EU' collapses - which I see as a very distinct possibility. And quite soon too.

But there won't be a need for brexit then , of course lolol.
Brexit is bread and circuses for the masses, nothing more..

Brexit won't happen unless the' EU' collapses - which I see as a very distinct possibility. And quite soon too.


Brexit is bread and circuses for the masses, nothing more..

Highly agreed, and come March if they do not leave, there will be the biggest riots ever seen in the UK, one would assume.

...yup, and they might be able to put a European army on the streets by then....

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