9/11 - A Government CoverUp

in #politics8 years ago

It's been 15 years since the major attack on our country by the so-called terrorist whereby 19 hijackers executed a very elaborate plan with no outside assistance what so ever or so we are told. The results of this plan is that 3 major buildings in NY City's World Trade Center area where brought down to the ground in what looks like a controlled demolition but was actually the results of either the plans crashing into the buildings or by office fire, again or so we are told. Not to mention the continuous wars and evaporation of our constitutional rights and let's not forget the unbelievable invasion of our privacy via the NSA spying monstrosity.

There has been official stories released as to exactly how these plans were executed.
Here is one of them summarizing all of it in only 5 minutes thanks to James Corbett of the CorbettReport.

After 15 years there has now been countless YouTube videos discrediting this "Official Story" many be very credible people. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Pilots for 9/11 Truth and many others. Here is a video about a physics teacher who with no budget and no fancy equipment or technology was able to question the "Official Story" and actually get "them" to change their story because it was clearly a lie. I hope you will watch this slightly longer video (about 1hr.) from 911truthncdotorg called "The Physics of 9/11"

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