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RE: Thoughts on Trump from an American Expat

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The morals and values of America have become divisive and reactionary.

I believe that is the real crux of the issue. Us vs them ignores the fact that there is no us, there is no them, there is only we.

You nailed it.

Our whole global melting pot culture needs to evolve beyond reactionism.

A Trump presidency may be a powerful lesson in Sente vs. Gote, to use a Go analogy. Initiative vs. response, and when to play which.

I have often likened the choice between Trump and Hillary as a choice between 1984 and Brave New World.

From that vantage point, I prefer 1984. I prefer being assaulted directly to having mind control drugs slowly pumped into the room without my knowing.

I prefer having my opponents in an open field, where I can see them, to having them seething, and quiet, waiting for their chance to erupt suddenly and without warning.

I voted third party in this last election, as I always have, because this has always been a charade, and I'm waiting for the rest of my countryfolk to snap out of the carefully constructed illusion of choice presented by the two-party monopoly. Alas....

Trump is a wild-card. He's not particularly my kind of wild-card, but nevertheless... I think the disruption will do us good. Anything to break the spell of the complacent masses. I am saddened by the casualties we will face on this path, but it saddens me less than seeing mass casualties being glossed over by the 'Brave New World' approach.

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