Merger of State and Corporate Powers

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


The Victorian Police force team up to find missing children.

Amber alerts have come to Australia, in the interest of finding missing children, and of course it works. The alerts are delivered right to your Facebook with no way to turn them off except through settings on your device.

Won't somebody think of the children!

But what sort of monster am I, that would be against such a system, that can assist in locating missing children. Am I the only one that is so paranoid that can see the potential misuse of such a system, the potential danger to civil liberties.

This will potentially lead to informer culture, of the scale that would make Stalin proud and Solzhenitsyn turn over in his grave. Maybe I am looking to far forward, but think back 20 years and tell me if you envisaged what we have today.

For me this is just another reason to never use a facebook.

The purpose of this post is to show that these practices are implemented on such auspicious reasons, that the general population can not be opposed to such measures without looking like some kind of monster or conspiracy theorist, not unlike the callous parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.



Just look at the Law that Australia that was past last year. It is now against the law to be against Vaccines. Apparently it is now law that any nurse or midwife that is against vaccines, and says anything to anyone that they are against it even on social media is now classed as a criminal act and they can spend multiple years in prison. So this alert will be setup to alarm everyone that a certain person isn't falling in line and they need to be attacked. Like hate crimes are being handled by herd mentality in the US at them moment. Don't worry louisbettong, those of us that are awake can see what is being put in place to control us.

Yeah I saw that post, I don't know much about the vaccines, but actions lke that from the government make me suspicious.

If you want to be really suspicious. Have a look at the Australian Constitution. In there civil unrest is called Domestic Violence. Now which state has a domestic violence division and only just a few days ago the same state has ordered more of that armed CAT 4x4's.

I didnt know that, but im not surprised. That explains the huge DV epidemic we are having. Shortly DV will cover anything opposing them

A few years back I could figure out why they were say DV was on the rise. The media just keeps pushing that DV is cause by the man beating the woman. Which does happen. But when I was that they were building a task force to combat DV. I had to look into it and found it in the Australian Constitution, as the Great Depression caused a lot of DV due to so many people out of work and having no money for food.

Yeah and the home violence narrative is one everybody will support to bring in draconian laws here and there. It is like the the laws we had regarding bikies congregating in more than groups of three in queensland.

yeah and that took 5 years to get that bikie law changed. As it was written to say anyone that is in a group of 3 were conspiring to commit crimes. They got that law from England with the anti-muslim laws. It was the same word for word. So that shows you where its all heading.

These fuckers always write it in such a way that it will apply to any one. Truth be told we're probably screwed already.

We already see this bs herenwith the human rights commission

yep, its scary. Just the other day I saw on youtube, a television show talking how Australia is become more like the Nazis Germany and Fascism is running rampant.

Haha facism? The left are retarded

Terrifying isn't it. The police post a photo and ask the public to report sitings, and people just share it, in the thousands.
Makes me scared of my neighbors

Glad I'm not the only paranoid one haha

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