Breaking News: Socialism Works: we just haven't done it right yet

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


The role of government is to protect life, liberty and property and more broadly to do other beneficial things that businesses can't profitably provide due to free riding. In other words liberty should trump democracy. This is in the long term interest of Australia including the median voter. -David Lyonhelm.

Clickbait title aside, there is an important message being conveyed by Sen. David Lyonhelm in regards to how Australia spends money. Also in how dangerously unequal, the concept of equality is.

Socialism attempts to establish homogeneity in a population by creating equality of outcomes. This is done by establishing a level of so called "prosperity" for the general population (determined by the ruling class of course) and then taking the excess from the more wealthy of the population and spreading it around.

Equality in poverty is not something we should aspire to.

I use the word prosperity sarcastically, as this never turns out to be something that could remotely resemble prosperity, think of Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and the like. Don't quote me Sweden either, their clock is ticking.

I post this for Australians to ask them to ask themselves what their expectations are for what quality of life we will have in future of Australia. This is also relevant in which ever western country you live in. If the majority of us are happy with our direction, so be it, however I get the feeling there is growing dissatisfaction with Australia's direction as indicated in the last elections.

Of course I don't expect anything to change through politics, but supporting the lesser evil will definitely not get us anywhere.

Let me close with a question; *In light of the liberals supposedly being our conservative party, how do other Aussies feel about our direction going forward? *


P.S. I note that David mis-spoke in his speech.


Venezeula begs to differ, every country that has ever tried socialism has failed abysmally or turned into full blown communism, and is always met with "It's not real socialism".

Just how many people have to starve to death before this ideology gets put to bed?

So far, it's estimated that 120 million have starved to death because of socialism @cryptokrieg.

Perhaps @louisbettong can emigrate to Venezuela, and show them how proper socialism works?

Millions are starving in Venezuela right now @louisbettong. Go and help them and fix up the mess they are in. When you do that, come back to Australia and show us what you did.👌

More importantly than Venezuela, what are we as Australians going to do about socialism creeping in here? @cryptokrieg I hope you watched the video, David is for a reduction in tax and minimising governments reach over our civil liberties.

That's simple common sense. Good on him for stopping the idiots in government wasting money. We had zero debt in 2007, and then enjoyed a record mining boom following the GFC.

Somehow, we are now in $500B debt!

That's what Labor and Greens gave Australia. Making poor Australians poorer! Our kids will be paying off that debt.

Yep this guy is all about common sense. We are lucky to have a voice of reason in the Senate.

I like Malcolm Roberts from One Nation. I think Tony Abbott is a true leader.

All I know is that the 2 major parties are taking us onthe same path it seems. For know the LDP will have my vote.

Turnbull is destroyinb the Liberal Party. The greatest threat facing Australia right now is Islam. I want a government who doesn't ignore the threat or acquiesce to the Muslim bullying.

To be fair, those numbers are mixed in with Russian communism, but your point still stands, socialism is a terrible ideology that can't work without a population of a max of 10 million and a job employment rate of at least 90% .

When numbers get higher than that, it becomes imperative that the rich pay more for less.

I was being sarcastic in the title, maybe it wasnt clear enough. The video is Senator David Lyonhelm opposing the spending of "other peoples money"

Awww man, now i just look like a dick, i really didn't pick up much sarcasm from the post :( Sorry bro haha

The title was sarcastic, maybe that didnt come through.

It definitely didnt!

The title is a bit of meme on youtube by those that oppose socialism haha. I hope you watched the video of David opposing the equality bills. He is definitely not for spending other people's money. I even mentioned it was a clickbait title and the problems in Venezuela. Sry if you misunderstood. Haha

I didn't watch the video, that's probably why I didn't catch on.

The first thing I would do in Venezuela is free helicopter rides for socialists

Yeah, I'm realising now. My bad, I didn't notice your sarcasm. I thought you were serious.🙈

No probs mate, I'm definitely not a collectivist. Most of my post are for opposing socialism, follow.if you feel the same. What scares me is we have socialism right here and now we just don't admit it.

Always appreciate any comments, gives us a chance to discuss issues.

I was following you, and still am. I nearly did unfollow after that confusing post. Maybe I've been spending too much time on twitter combating the communists!😂

Lol i have done the same before. You habe taken too many red pills.

Following you solely for pinochet memes.

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