Welcome to America, the Democracy of Corporatism and Corporatocracy

in #politics5 years ago

Welcome to America, the Democracy of Corporatism and Corporatocracy, no longer a Republic or Capitalism. Fascism, where the Corporations replace the People and they control the Government, not the People... the sick twisted mentality of Nazis and the NWO under Grace Only by Faith Only, "We the Corporations By the Corporations For the Corporations"...

Bush Jr. spoke the absolute truth when standing before a political gathering dinner plate special of the 1%. He jokingly remarked, "You're my Base"

Consider America Tax Post WW2 when Eisenhower raised Taxes on the Wealthy to 97% but not to give it to the poor ie Robbing the Rich to Give to the Poor. This was used to pay back the War Debt.

Compare Tax rates before 9-11, which most paid Income Tax starting around 25% to Post 9-11. That technically began a War on 7 Countries in the Middle East that had threatened the end to the Petro Dollar. IE, the "Rumsfeld Pan", justified by the FF attack on 9-11 that was used to start the undeclared war of WW3.

Continuous Warfare, that has thrown America into Bankruptcy because it has been paid for by Credit card. To the benefit of the Rich, the Stockholders of the Military Industrial Complex.

Tax cuts for the Rich during a war is unprecedented as is cutting the budget of the VA, yet Bush Jr. did both. I for one believe that is how Bush Jr., got the support of the Rich, by promising them they would not have to pay for the War. They would not only profit from the War but would also receive Billions in Tax cuts.

Enter in the EIC of 2001, that is neither earned nor credit unless it is the money that is added to the Nation's Credit Card. A Pittance 0 fed taxes paid to the poor, meanwhile the richest get yuge Tax payment in the form of Tax cuts. With the bonus of creating a Class War, it also created the narrative that the Rich pay all the taxes.

Disenfranchising 50% of Americans from the political process and consolidating the wealth of the country to the few. Something the Nazis did in Germany. Basically throwing half of America on Welfare in the form of EIC and labeling them as the Entitled Class.

Throw in unlimited immigration that drives down labor costs by creating less competition with immigrants willing to work for pennies on the dollar. Because to them $10.00 is worth a $100.00 when they send it back home. Butchers that used to make $35.00 an hr now get paid $18.00. Add on Technology, Manufacturing, and Industrial jobs, wages for the Middle class, get moved overseas or down south across the borders.

That means even less labor competition further driving down wages for the working class and destroying the Middle class. The Poorer the Poor, the Richer the Rich; Wealth is a relative perspective and a product of percentages.

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