UN & NWO of the Vatican, the Police State that wants our Guns, a Fascist Marxist-Socialism Democracy instead of the Nationalism of Americans & the Representative Constitutional Republic of We the People

in #politics5 years ago

Most Successful Businesses when focusing on raising revenue IMHO. Focus first & always on cutting Waste Fraud and Abuse. Next, they Focus on selling any unused unneeded assets, then streamlining workflow and production costs. Cutting labor costs at both the bottom and the top should always be on the table and a Priority in a LIMITED government.

I mean look at the RATIO of Government Employees to those in the Public Sector compared over the last 50 - 100 yrs. Then ask yourself why it is needed or if that itself is not waste fraud and abuse of the system, of the People's Government and House!

Paying for their Premium Wages, Premium HealthCare, Premium Retirement, Premium Travel Expenses, Premium Everything. Ten times Better than those Serving their Country in the Military. Those on Active Duty, on a daily basis, putting life and limb on the line.

There is no moral or ethical justification for those risking their very lives Daily, should be paid 10 times and more so LESS than someone in an AC Safespace.

Seems to me with a Congress that only has single digit polling and has not done anything of value worth noting, for the American People's Interest. That they are HIRED TO REPRESENT AMERICAN'S FIRST and that focus should be on those at the bottom of the ladder, not the top.

They are serving their own interest first and that in getting re-elected, spending 50% of their Time on getting reelected on the People's Dime.

Corporatism & Cronyism instead of Free-Market Capitalism. UN & NWO of the Vatican, the Police State that wants our Guns, a Fascist Marxist-Socialism Democracy instead of the Nationalism of Americans & the Representative Constitutional Republic of We the People.

In God We Trust instead of E Pluribus Unum, "Out of Many One".

The 1% VS the 99%, the Richest and the Poorest Lobbying Congress for Votes under so-called "Citizens United" that ='s "Citizens Divided".

With Corporations are People, replacing We the People By the People and For the People. BTW, the 1% are using EIC to call the working poor the Entitled Class, Useless Eaters, and Deplorables. And using EIC to say that 50% of Americans do not have any Say as to what Our Government does with Our Government.

While they Blame the Government for being Corrupt when they are the ones Corrupting it.

Because they Are Corrupt, Lawless Reprobates claiming Grace Only and Forgiveness Only. Driving the Bus into the Ditch on the Right and the Left, instead of the Straight and narrow the Good, creating the Corruption and driving us all over a cliff.

If it weren't for Trump and the White Hats. they would have succeeded and gotten away with it too.

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