There is nothing that says We the People cannot take the good from all 3 choosing neither the left or the right but what is good instead

in #politics5 years ago

Maybe this is my naivety but the philosophy of always seeking the Good Gate is one that I agree with. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet just as a pile of scat or bucket full, especially when stirred, smells just as foul and makes us want to puke.

Today in America We the People do not fall under the title of Free Market Capitalist. We are under Corporatism and Fascism, under the control of a Corporatocracy and the Monopoly of an Oligocracy. The Globalist New World Order wet dream.

Or the well-hidden Deep State, 4th Reich "Nazi World Order". Sociopaths and Psychopaths that from their Perspectives see nothing wrong in what they are doing to Children, Families, America, Americans, and the World. Grace Only means Hitler did nothing wrong in the Eyes of Jesus the God, and the Mafia, the KKK, and the Nazis too are Perfect Christians.

Washed clean by the Blood and their Sins hidden by the Lambswool. "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing", The Emperor's New Clothes" All by the Magic of Faith Only... but look at what happens to the living, the children... A Garden under Grace only that Claims everything the will of God and the nature of Man God made evil? The definition of Devils.

What's wrong, if not even evil as defined, with depopulating the Planet, the ends justify any means or selling of babies in body bags aborted after birth? What's wrong with assassinating Presidents that refuse to do what they are told? What's wrong with War for Profit or experimenting on people without their knowledge or consent?

What's wrong with using the Religions, the Free Press, MSM, and Social Media to disseminate pure Propaganda, Mind Control, Brain Washing, and Programming the People, by controlling the Media and using it to remove the POTUS? Divided America will fall at least that is the Hope of the Globalist that holds no allegiance to any Flag, country or Nation at all.

Just ask yourself who controls the members of Congress, We the People or their Sponsors that gave them the money that got them elected. Are they servants of the Public or do they serve and do the bidding of their Party that serves their Donors? Ever since Citizens United, where money = Speech and "Corporations are People too". Replacing "People" in "We the People By the People and For the People".

If it is Good for the People, the Families, and the children, future generations... For there has been plenty of bad and evil crimes committed in the name of Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism. But that does not preclude that there is not some merit of good in them, Ideally.

There is nothing that says We the People cannot take the good from all 3 choosing neither the left or the right but what is good instead. Separating the Chaff from the Wheat. Gathering the Wheat into the Barn and Burning the Tares, Metaphorically and Philosophically speaking.

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