Thanks Reagan, we now have Viagra commercials, erectile dysfunction, Depression, Anxiety, Herpes, Vaginal Yeast infection and Sleep-Aid with treatments worse than the disease, 24/7

in #politics6 years ago

AMERICA, We the People, not We the Corporation By the Corporation For the Corporation. The Greed of the Few outweighs the need of the many, Capitalism some would say. The Need of the Many outweighs the Greed of the Few, Socialism some would say. Which serves We the People and provides for the General Welfare?

No child left behind. In a Tribe as in a family, no one is allowed to starve. The Weakest link in the chain is the Chains strongest link for it alone determines the chains true strength. #WWG1WGA What did Jesus say to do and not to do? If you do not even know that how can any claim to know what Jesus would do. #WWJD

Everyone knows that Paul did what he would not do and did not do what he would, claiming Grace Only by Faith Only. According to Paul Devils Demons and Satan storm the gates of Heaven all for their faith and belief in God. Claiming they are not judged by their works and fruit? The Slippery slope of Sinful and being Evil instead of Sinless and being Good.

What did Satan say to Adam and Eve, Only God is good, your nature is evil, you are unable to do good, as though that is how a Good God makes mankind evil, then destroys mankind for being evil? Oh, and God is in Control over everyone being Evil. Whose Head is the Church Serving on a Silver Platter, Satan Jesus or God?

Preaching, GOD, forgives those that do what he says not to do and does not do what he says to do, then lies and tries to deceive? What is Jesus teaching to the Jews that took him 3 years? What does Jesus say about the Priesthood? What is the Knowledge of Good bad and Evil, and the people suffer from a lack of knowledge...

Whose Head is above the Messiah and is the first to love us. Who does Jesus/Yahshua love with all his mind heart Spirit and Strength? Who does Jesus stand beside? His Mother or his Father? What did Jesus say about his Mother?

That comes only from repentance to doing what we should, the good, the Good Gate. Only requires that seed of faith that we can and that comes by encouragement. You can do it. You can do everything Jesus did and more for that is the goodwill golden rule commandment and the law of Loving one another

I wonder if this is what Citizens United really wanted. Because it sure as hell seems like that is the way it is today. Corporate control over everything, which is a distraction from the truth, distracting from the phrase that the Wealthiest 1% control everything in America. That is the definition of Fascism.

Just like the Word Government and it to blame as Reagan pointed at and said this is the problem. The same Reagan that deregulated the Banks that began the slippery slope of Credit and everyone in debt up to their eyeballs just as America now is. Claiming this is the measure of success. The Richest Country on Earth in Debt to 21 Trillion+. How does that even compute?

Reagan that deregulated MSM and Big Pharma and now MSM is the hands of a Few (5 instead of 50) that all belong and serve the same Club, CFR. 24/7 Cable News Shows (entertainment instead of enlightenment) and it's all narrative and spin, made up and approved by the CIA that was given permission by ObombO to propagandize MSM on American soil, using the excuse to help fight Terrorism.

Thanks to Reagan we now have Viagra commercials, erectile dysfunction, Depression, Anxiety, Herpes, Vaginal yeast infection and Sleep-Aid with some of the treatments worse than the disease. 24/7, 15 minutes of Ads for every 30-45 minutes of TV. Every American subconsciously being programmed to be a Hypochondriac, especially the young kids. When I was growing up we never had to put up with back to back to back to back commercials.

Every President and Congress since Reagan, allowing for a greater and worsening Monopoly by the Corporate State over the Free Press. Tell the Biggest lie and repeat it often and the Public will believe anything.

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