Drunk and driving

in #politics7 years ago

As I already told on the platform I live in a small town on the Dnipro river - Kaniv.

And we have a town internet-forum where sometimes very hot disscusions happen.
The other days was one of such discussions about a region parliment deputy caught drunk while driving a car.

In fact he made the best of himself according to our legislation. He didn't stop when police made a sign for him to stop. When parking he very quickly left the car and went to a house and when policeman ran after him told that he didn't drive any car and there are no reasons to stop him in a house.
He refused to go and check alcohol in his blood in the hospital and for that reason policeman had to take him to hospital without his consent. And there several "representatives of other political parties" signed the procedure as witnesses (I suppose that ordinary people just decided not to be connected with that event).

The problem is that with new rules police usually records everything with cameras and videos were put on youtube for all the community to see what really happened. Before youtube-videos the story was totally different coming from the deputy, and since police are not trusted, he could be successful if not for video proofs.

So what about discussion. It was concentrated on a few points.

All of us has drived a car after several shots of vodka. ???!!!

It was told by a person of same political party with our anti-hero.

I can only make an excuse for 80-year age of a person who told that. And in his youth the average speed of cars was around 40 km/h. Maybe there wasn't any danger for the society to have such drivers.

Somebody called police and told to catch him. Maybe that was somebody from another political party.

Ok. Is it such a crime to call police? Or the real crime is to drive a car after drinking alcohol. And isn't it good to call the police and defend people on the road?

But I do understand what is the problem. For a very long time Ukraine was occupied by other countries (Soviet Union of late) and people tried to avoid any connections with authorities. Just because "the state" was the enemy for "the community". And we still have these old habits. But in a democracy and independent country that should be changed. We can not be defended without society's help. There are not enough resources to know about the crimes if people do not cooperate with police.

On the video that region parliment deputy said to policeman "Do you know who I am?" and the policeman answered "Even if you are a president..."

I like this moment very much since this is how our life is changing. Just a few years ago any certificate for having "a position" was an excuse to be an asshole on the road. But now as we can see it's not like that. And such cases should be loudly speaking because this is how norms are changing.

Do not persecute a person for a mistake, because if not this deputy, maybe there would be a person from another town and we will not have "our" representative (from our town).

Ok, but isn't more important to have a just law-abiding person in the region parliment from another town or to have "our guy"?

Party vector created by Alekksall - Freepik.com


Да их-то может и ловят, и даже шумиху устраивают, а потом по тихому отпускают на все 4 стороны без последствий. Сколько было исторый, когда чиновники или их детки пешеходов насмерть сбивали на дороге, и что? Кто-то из них осужден? Или хотя бы лишен водительских прав?
Полиция у нас может и новая, да только суды старые, есть еще над чем работать.

У меня на этот счёт несколько мыслей:

  • общество не изменится за один день и каждый шаг на пути к "светлому будущему", когда всё не остаётся по-прежнему - это маленькая победа.
  • эти маленькие победы должны становиться нормой и постепенно тогда можно будет переходить к следующим этапам.
  • я вот как Пасхавер считаю, что давление общественности может стать настолько сильным, что изменятся модели поведения. И эти модели поведения изменятся как у обычных граждан, так и например у судей. Т.е. не факт, что мы всех их поменяем (не забываем, что у нас нет других граждан, а все мы выросли в сложных условиях - из-за пережитой бедности мы создаём запасы в отличие от граждан развитых государств, которые спокойно живут в кредит, из-за пережитой оккупации мы не доверяем друг другу), но факт, что они могут из страха, из проснувшейся совести, из осознания изменений начать судить иначе.

Может быть я идеалистка, но я не вижу иного пути, кроме поступательного, если менять надо всех и привычки у всех.

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