
Not sure if the accusation is false, but yes, it is fun to imagine that you are some jerk getting paid by the Kremlin.
Was it fun for you to accuse me of being a communist?

It might be fun for you, but still wrong.

Communism is socialist in all ways that concern individual rights.

Individuals have rights to organize into groups. If you don't like the group, you don't have to associate with them. If you don't want to pay taxes, or use public utilities, there are plenty of backwoods places in tax-free states. Go be amish or whatever, just let the rest of us build a competitive civilization.
I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be fighting a force of the universe as unstoppable as progress. I actually feel kind of sorry for you.

It must be painful to have your head so far up your ass. Please take it out.

The frustration you see is most likely a reflection of your own. Feel sorry for yourself.

I am content in my life and ability. The only thing I wish I could do more effectively is to free more people from their mental enslavement, like you.

What is happening in this world, at present, is not anything like what true progress would be. Socialists always piss down your back and tell you it's raining, until their failure becomes obvious, then they blame their screw-ups on everyone else.

Is that the best you can do? Call me a slave and tell me my head is up my ass? I'm doing 5 things at once, and it still takes me little to no focus to put out something more cerebral than that.

You are obviously not content. If you were, you wouldn't be so driven to convert people over to your way of thinking. Have you ever taken a moment to consider that your compulsion to convert others may be a manifestation of the doubts you harbor? Do you think that successfully converting a "slave" would give you enough positive affirmation to quiet those doubts, if just for a moment? Forget it, because folks like me will always be around to remind you that your kooky beliefs are too far disconnected from reality. Even if you find more people to validate your bullshit fantasies for you, it will never be enough to erase the doubt in your true heart. I genuinely pity you.

I'm an independent entrepreneur. I have a passport. I'm a middle-aged white guy with a car and a home. There are indeed slaves in this world, but if you think that someone with this much wealth and privilege is a slave, the word slavery holds little meaning to you. It's unfortunate that people like you use that word in an improper context. It diminishes the meaning. Next time you read a story about human trafficking or prison labor, remember that folks using the word "slave" to describe people like me is part of the problem.

True progress is happening every day. There are setbacks, of course, and that can be frustrating. I'm sure I would be a lot more frustrated if I was one of these guys that was terrified at the thought of my great-grandchildren being brown-skinned homosexual stoners. No wonder they are so desperate that they take up ranks with Nazis and Confederates. They are fighting a war against progress, and it is a war they can never win. Xenophobic bigots and traditionalist dinosaurs still have the power to slow things down, but progress is still inevitable. That is the root of their fear and hatred.

I have made plenty of mistakes. I mined over 3,000 bitcoins in 2012, and I sold most of them for about $20 each. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to have the humility to admit a mistake was made. If one is self aware, they will always find ways to improve. That is how progress works. Open minded people, admitting that there is always room for improvement, are achieving far greater things than narrow-minded zealots that fear change and profess to know everything. It has always been that way, and it always will be.

More evidence that you don't have any reasoned arguments.

Why don't you save yourself some time and just type 'RACIST!' at everyone who tries to interact with you?

If you think the criteria you've put forward makes you free, then you are more mentally enslaved than I thought.

You keep repeating that I don't have reasoned arguments, even though I keep arguing and stating my reasons.

I didn't call you a racist, but if the shoe fits...

Yes, Having money, a home, and a passport makes me free. That's how it works here on Earth. What planet are you from?

None of what you've presented qualifies as reason.

The shoe does not fit, you wear it.

Natural rights and the responsibilities that go with them are what makes one free, not some crumbs that the establishment allows you to have as long as you are a good little slave.

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