What Do You Do When the Boss Brings Up Politics?

in #politics7 years ago

Frustrating times at a trade show this weekend.

The boss invites the team out to get some cocktails with some clients. It's a fun time. Until politics come up.

The boss and the clients are all gabbing away about 1) manmade global warming, 2) nationalization of the healthcare system, and finally 3) how the housing bubble was caused by deregulation.

I'm a smart guy and I listen intently to Tom Woods and his distinguished guests. So I know how to slam these arguments down. But let's be real, this was NOT the time.

To be clear, my boss and these clients are all awesome guys. The boss is great to work for, and the clients are very polite and professional. It's not that I don't like them, or even disrespect them. On the contrary, I'm quite happy with my job, my team, and my boss.

But risking my standing on my team and potential career advancements just isn't worth it when I'm the sole bread winner for a large family. So I did what I know you've all done. I bit my tongue and just sat there and acted like I didn't know anything about politics.

For staying silent, a part of me felt like my own worst Judas. But I know that's silly. I didn't fall in line and become a yes man. I just kept quiet. After all, I gotta take care of the family. And I can't do that very well if I focus on triumphant victories of rhetorical argument while ignoring the importance of maintaining the means of our livelihood.

So after cocktails I skipped dinner and went for a run. Oh and I listened to 2 Tom Woods' episodes about the housing bubble while I ran.

It's not just me, right? You've all been here before, yes?


Yeah, you gotta pick your battles. I work at a company that employs mostly young progressives. My own approach is that whenever politics comes up, I try to focus on the places where we agree rather than trying to debate points where nobody is gonna change their opinions.

I do this as well. One step forward, two steps back, hopefully three steps forward afterwards?

You gotta find where you overlap and do some coalition building. Then gently expose...

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