Matt Walsh: If Bill Nye is a “scientist,” so am I

in #politics7 years ago


You may have noticed that Bill Nye, who is not a scientist, has been all over the media recently presented as an authority on nearly every field of science. Apparently, Bill Nye gets to be a "scientist" because he calls himself one. It is by this same scientific process that Bruce Jenner gets to be a woman and Rachel Dolezal a black person.

Speaking of which, Bill Nye spent an episode of his new show explaining very scientifically how gender is a spectrum and sometimes men can have women trapped inside of them. He then brought a sitcom star on stage to perform an ode to gender fluidity called "My Sex Junk." It was all quite scientific. Almost as scientific as the "March for Science," which Nye spearheaded this past weekend, where a bunch of people drove cars to DC in order to tell us that the planet is dying because we drive cars. Again, it's science. It's all science, OK? It must be science because Bill Nye says it, and he's a scientist, and we know he's a scientist because he says so.

Inspired by Bill Nye, I would like to now officially declare that I, too, am a scientist. I provide a more detailed overview of my scientific resume in the piece below, but suffice it to say that I am now one of the greatest scientific minds in human history. This is the case because I say it is the case. Also because I say the word "science" a lot. When someone asks me to prove my arguments, I simply shout, "science," which is what scientists do. It's part of the scientific method. You'd know that if you were a scientist like me. And Bill Nye, who is a dear colleague and mentor:


LOL! I upvoted and promoted with what very little SBD I had (probably not enough to do anything, but I tried).

Finally watching the new bill bye to know what to refute (though in order of interest). The gender one is a joke.

The food one was awful (essentially says that you just can't change your weight). He didn't even bring on one nutritionalist. And the most ad hominem I have ever seen against the paleo diet. Didn't even know you could ad hominem a concept, but he first made a strawman and ad hominemed that.

On climate change, and he just said that it is worse that world wars and pandemics. I feel pretty triggered right now. I mean hey, a couple hundred million people died, but maybe something bad could possibly happen in the future. Want to know what really scared people in Hiroshima? The air rising 2 degrees a century, not 2 degrees a microsecond. And the Black Death, that is as fake as the holocaust.

Now, back to hating myself.

The leaps in logic here are quite impressive.

Matt Walsh sucks because he comments on topics he writes! He belittled people based on how many followers they have (likely a character flaw)

Let's talk about an anti Trump tweet from 19 months ago...

Somehow you're talking about 2nd Amendment rights and extrapolating Hillary's nuclear fallout (Russia/Syria), lol. Logic fail.

Let's title this post and compare him to a rapist....

Dude. There's no journalistic integrity here.

I quit reading after "he totally conspired to blacklist (no method, just calling them out I guess) of Trump supporters". (No proof). Immediately followed by "this hardline stance should be especially rejected by 2nd Amendment supporters..."

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