Horrifying Survey Shows "Feels Over Reals" A National Problem - Half The U.S. Infested With SJW, 1984-Style Double-Speak

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

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Stop making this asshole happier.

The contradictory nature of responses to a recent survey on freedom of speech indicate just how few U.S. citizens are actually worthy of the right to vote (or, frankly, express an opinion on any topic more complicated than "I'm hungry.")

It would seem that any attempt to draw a rational conclusion from observation, reasoning, or any sort of premise other than "muh feels" has gone right out the door. This is on display for anyone who would sift through the answers to a recent Cato Institute study, as reported on by The Atlantic.

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Buckle up, as we're off to a rocky start.

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In a related story, a supermajority of Americans think water is wet, but can also be dried while remaining wet.

One sequence of data points was particularly morally bankrupt - those showing that racism is considered increasingly acceptable as long as the target of said racism is "whiter":

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Blacks > Jews > Immigrants / MIC > Hispanic > Muslim > LGBT > Christians > Whites. Got it.

Excellent! We finally have a social-justice-warrior approved hierarchy of the "sins of the patriarchy", ranked by race! Now I can just look up which race deserves the most unearned privilege (from their repressed great grandparents I am supposedly responsible for), rather than determining which identity politics group to supplicate myself pathetically to organically.

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Can you imagine what Goebbels would have done with the ability to prosecute racism?

Identity politics has made ethnic groups so used to pulling the race card, they actually now think racism is "illegal." However, they seem wholly unconcerned with who is making this determination.

So, if 45% of Latinos and 38% of Blacks think racist statements are already illegal, and 47% of Latinos and 41% of Blacks would support a law making racist statements illegal, does that make 92% of Latinos and 79% of Blacks morally bankrupt supporters of a dystopian 1984 wherein all "minorities" are held legally superior and subjective control to imprison anyone for factual statements such as "Latinos are good boxers" reigns on high?

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This can't possibly need a captioned explanation...

This is the inevitable result of promoting identity politics and the victim Olympics.

Rest assured the non-identity based groups also want to jail you for your thoughts and words.

Democrats want to jail you if you correctly (scientifically) apply sex pronouns to people you meet:

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Thankfully, literally everyone else thinks they are candidates for the rubber room.

Republicans and Latinos want to jail you and strip your citizenship if you burn an American flag:

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Awww, but NOT missing the point requires thought, and that's hard!

In a moment this author can only file under WTF, it would appear Blacks (and, enthusiastically, Latinos!) are larger supporters of the police than Democrats, Republicans, Or Independents.

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I guess nobody consulted Chamillionaire on this one.

Dude is a luminary on interracial police relations in the US...and Playstation placement.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Sources: The Atlantic, Zero Hedge, Wikipedia, Google
Copyright: Time, Pix, Daily Mail, Busy.org, Thinglink, Chamillionaire


Did the study determine what percentage of the survey groups knew that:

"Brawndo's Got What Plants Crave"?

Hah, that's a good one.

For anyone who missed what is, unfortunately, looking more and more like a documentary:

Source: Idiocracy

"Please, we need more state interference! We don't have enough!"

I want to believe that if the message of liberty is simply pushed hard enough for a long enough period, the tide will eventually turn. Nowadays I don't think most people have the mental faculty to understand it. I'm thinking there's some basic reasoning threshold required to understand why the state is bad.

" I'm thinking there's some basic reasoning threshold required to understand why the state is bad."

Collective memory fades each time from the last time the state screw up. You need recent, severe pain (economy, riots, hyperinflation) to remind people. It's been too long since the last highly visible collapse, and too much Facebook since.

I wonder if, instead of increasing the awareness of the state's malfeasance, all of this social media exposure has just deadened everyone to it? Kinda like desensitizing someone to violence.

I don't think we have a problem with it "deadening" people, because that presumes they initially cared.

Most people genuinely do not give a crap unless it is happening to them or someone very close to them.

That's my grim theory, anyhow.

sad but true

Brilliant and insightful! Thank you for sharing this, @lexiconical. I never cease to be amazed at the utter nonsense that continues to spring forth from people who want to ban so-called "hate speech" but say they believe in freedom of speech. Say what? Logic and reason just seems to slip out of their grasp.

And on top of it all, they let these people vote! Yikes!

Thank you for doing such a great job on this post! Keep up the good work! Upvoted!

SJWs are the worst. Everything is way less fun since they became the biggest loud mouths around.

And thanks for the hierarchy. Most helpful.

"And thanks for the hierarchy. Most helpful."

Keep in mind I'm just reporting on it. I wasn't given a vote, of course, since I'm both white and male. Heh, j/k...a little.

Wow, the Simpson's sure has gotten old, huh? Hard to believe that applied during my lifetime.

Who is that asshole anyway?

To be fair to George his books were intended to be satire, not used by future generations as instruction manuals as seems to be happening….

That's Goebbels, in a rare picture thoroughly "prepared" to look whimsical.

Aha. One of the greatest assholes of all time.....he looks a bit like Rove McManus.

It's an odd and historically interesting picture. Apparently, he was "putting on some airs" there to try and humanize himself for the Time magazine photographers.

Apparently, the mood of the photoshoot was very much unlike the mood of the picture.

Lol. Really??? I did not see Rove looking at him, bug. Plus Rove is funny.

Do Americans actually learn their own constitution in school? I'm British and even we all know about your First Amendment which protects free speech.

I think it's more of a "not caring" then a "never heard of it" situation...

I believe litigation has reinterpreted the First Amendment. It's kind of like what the High Court does but with huge expenses and mob action by those whose view isn't upheld.

Awesome piece as usual, call it the social structure fighting to be identified...let me share a song that hopefully we can appreciate, its a song by Bob Marley - Real Situation...once you get some time, feel free to listen, good reflection on the thoughts that you shared

Good stuff, listened to it on YT. Hadn't heard this one before.

Yea mon, good vibes with Bob Marley, that's my inspiration right there, good conscious vibes, keep you on track and focus

Probably one of the "kindest/gentlest" men of our times.

Thanks, I'll check it out!

A lot of contradictions are inherent in this type of analysis. Definition of public morality really depends on its historic and cultural setting. 400 years ago slavery was as natural as eating animals. Treating Dogs and Cattle so differently defies rational thinking and logic but comes naturally to most.

Similarly stating any conclusions to questions of public morality is contradictory is every aspect.

What can be conclusively achieved is furthering of public debate that may lead to further introspection and course correction. May the socially disadvantaged groups realize their potential and eventually we may rise to a social awakening that breaks all bonds and frees all souls.

100 years into the future, inequality among races may narrow, then we may break out of all forward or reverse discrimination hierarchies. Till then HODL!

Thank you for your thoughts.

Very interesting political post. Thanks for sharing @lexiconical

I'm pleased you found it interesting.

useful news and politics

Thanks for successfully restating my first two tags. ;)


yes, thanks also uvote my comment


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