Canada Enters 1984 - Criminalizes Use Of "Wrong Gender Pronouns", Making Arrest and Imprisonment Based On "Feels" - Justin Trudeau's Communist History

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Canada is getting alarmingly Marxist, eh.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, openly advocates for communistic "equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity." He sets sexist, Marxist goals like having a cabinet that is, at minimum, 50% female regardless of merit. Imagine the outcry if you replaced that word "women" with men!


Susan B. Anthony would not put up with this removal of her agency and the belittling implication that she needs help to be "equal" - neither should any self-respecting woman.

Why don't we delve a little into this fellow's history, and find out how he can hold such rampantly sexist and illogical views?

Here's the attitude of the man who sired Justin:

"In the 1960s, a 41-year-old Pierre Trudeau visited Communist China during the great famine and co-wrote a book hailing Maoism and denying the existence of a national food policy that killed 38 million people. He never retracted his China views."

OK, so here, we have a man who is an ally of Mao Zedong, and devoted a substantial amount of effort to attempting to cover-up millions of deaths while whitewashing a provably fatal political philosophy, then, attempting to encourage others to adopt the same philosophy. This is the ideology that Justin Trudeau was raised in - "Mao did nothing wrong. Everyone should follow Mao."

In other words, Pierre Trudeau voluntarily applied for, and carried out, the job of "Mao's Joseph Goebbels".

I would argue that this makes Pierre Trudeau guilty of being an accomplice in millions of murders, and I would support indictment for treason.


Even Worf got excommunicated for far less shit than this.

Surprise, surprise - the apple does NOT fall far from the tree.

Here's Justin Trudeau affirming his love for murdering, communist dictators in his own words:

"Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation."

...and here's a quick summary of the reality:

"However, when Forbes magazine listed Castro in 2006 as one of the world’s richest ‘kings, queens and dictators’, he angrily insisted he lived on a salary of £20 (A$33) a month."

"The full extent of his hypocrisy and personal excesses emerged only in 2014 when a former longtime bodyguard, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, wrote a book about Castro’s secret life and estimated he was worth at least £100 million ($168 million)."

"He revealed in lavish detail that would have appalled struggling Cubans how even a typical day’s spear-fishing for Castro in the crystal-clear waters off his private island was like the ‘royal hunts of Louis XV in the forests around Versailles’. Castro, who even kept secret the existence of his wives, was able to conceal a rapacious infidelity that produced at least nine children by four women. Reported lovers ranged from the Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida to an underage nightclub dancer who reported how he smoked continually during sex."

"His notorious affairs earned him the nickname ‘the Horse’. He had a taste for young Cuban women of every colour and background, and half-jokingly told a journalist that it was his colossal sexual drive that had led him away from the Roman Catholic Church."

Meanwhile, Cubans average salary from 2008-2016 was $18.88. Per MONTH. Fidel Castro died holding "at least" 8898305 months of his average constituents monthly living wage. 9 MILLION MONTHS OF HIS PEOPLE'S (SLAVE) LABOR.

Did you notice the rampantly sexist womanizing and abuse Castro, and Trudeau by proxy, supported? Do you see how Trudeau is pissing in the faces of the women on his cabinet from atop a pile of Cuban woman's bodies?

Justin Trudeau cannot be allowed to spread his whitewashing of Communist history, nor apply his morally and ethically bankrupt world view. There is no explanation, outside of extreme brainwashing, that explains his positions except that he is a closet Communist, and thinks virtue-signalling Marxist ideas will help him politically.

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Presumably, this is what the cabinet would have looked like if Justin had remembered to also pander to the black identity politics block.

His solution to all claimed, but unsubstantiated by fact, "oppressions (of the patriarchy)" is to just reverse the oppression and choose new targets - basically, anyone who can't claim to be part of an identity politics block. So, mostly evil, white, heterosexual males - today's easy target. Niemoller was never going to write a verse about them, was he?

In other words, identity politics followed by turning the autocratic power of the state onto whichever block is too weak to defend itself. So, a lot like Communists.

Now, onto why I am rambling about this:

"Canada’s Senate passed the Justin Trudeau Liberals’ transgender rights bill unamended this afternoon by a vote of 67 to 11, with three abstentions. The bill adds “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code’s hate crime section."

In other words, it will now become a crime to refer to someone as any gender that they don't "feel" like they are.

This is thought-crime mixed with identity politics. You will now be imprisoned if what you say is consistent with objective reality, but inconsistent with the regressive-left's ideology of feelings being more important than objective fact. You can now be imprisoned for the OPINION of others.

This is only millimeters away from the UK's version of policing hate speech online, where now "liking" something on Facebook is considered hate speech and YOU CAN BE CONVICTED FOR A LIKE.

This man (and his father) stand on the backs of 10s of Millions of bodies murdered by Communism, and are still using them to push forward the 21st century's "New Marxism". This morally bankrupt Communist should be removed from power immediately.

Canada Adrift.jpg

This would be a great option had Canada caught these snakes early, but I fear violence will be necessary to turn back totalitarianism.

Canada, get out there and vote, because you are vastly better than this. Consider this your last warning before you are set adrift by the rest of the continent. Even in the US, this degree of Communist glorification and ignorance of history isn't accepted, and we think anything you feel is now an objective fact.

Source: New York Times, Wikipedia,, National Post,, Memory Alpha

Copyright: Paramount, Comedy Central


They have also infringed upon the rights of parents. If your child self-identifies as another gender and you try to discourage it the State has afforded itself the right to remove the child from your custody due to this "abuse" of the child's identity. The State can't legislate morality, only legislate against it.

Oh, goodness, I totally forgot about that. I just read about that recently. That's even more vile than most of what I cited in the article.

Thank you for reminding us of this. It's not even just feels > reals in Canada, it's minor children's feels > reals.

@lexiconical superb post keep posting more great content

Thank you, will do!

yup sums up ontario

Great Article.

I live in Alberta and it is becoming pretty bad here with NDP criminal gang. Voting will never change anything. If voting made a difference they would make it illegal. I don't know if Albertans are the type of people who would pick up the guns to support communism. I also don't know if they are the type of people to pick up the guns to ward off communism. But I do think that if Alberta keeps going down the path it is on currently there will be a lot of people who peacefully don't want to participate in the bread and circus any longer. I hope that the changing of this province doesn't require force or violence and instead becomes so overtly tyrannical that everyone just stops participating.

Excellent post. Canada is headed in a very worrisome direction and I fear that most Canadians just don't care enough to do much about it. You don't see any sort of resistance to these overreaching policies among the Canadian populace, because well.. I'm not sure exactly? Too much effort? Because this stuff isn't affecting them directly...yet? Because, apparently, Justine has nice hair?? It is of great concern to me that an entire nation can just sit down with this and be okay with it. Our national identity, our core, our heart and our soul is being weakened and ripped out by this jackass. This can never be okay!

I think Justine has qualified as being the worst PM in Canadian history. Because he actively legislates against the interests of the Canadian people. Millions upon millions of tax dollars are being doled out to foreign countries, or the Formula 1 car races, and other stupid pet projects while our economy is on the brink of disaster. And since he himself can't keep up with the millions of dollars he is wasting, he is now seeking tax increases on literally anything. Yes, my dear steemians, hold in your farts, for even they may be carbon taxed soon.

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