Chemicals... Noses... News... aka CNN is totally wrong about what the Stormy case is about.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The MSM continues its propaganda to attempt to minimize the problem/shift The Public's attention.
Here again on the Chemicals... Noses... News... channel (YouTube cued) we have the journalist SPINing.
CNN's Brian: "Stormy Daniels, yeah, it's a sex scandal, it's a payments scandal, fine...".

This is how CNN (and the Government/TeaPublicans and OneParty for that matter, any old school Democratic party would have forced The President to resign long ago) wants The Public to view the Trump/Stormy case. ...and we all buy into the newsspeak, the majority of people easily swayed by the endless stream of indoctrination being fed to us on the always on TV.
...but we all know that this isn't actually what the case is about, it's actually a VERY SERIOUS case.

THE MAIN issue about this revelation is a person was THREATENED POTENTIALLY WITH MURDER.
When murder threats are moved off to being unimportant, you know your nation no longer exists - it's not working for The Public, at all.

Imagine if some mobster had threatened The President's life - the MSM would be all over this solidly for a month, and they'd follow the case as it moved through court. They'd be focused primarily on "Murder Threat", and any payments etc would be just components of the main issue.

Again, The President needs to temporarily step aside and let Pence run the nation while this potential murder threat is all sorted out. The Public has seen many other lies and allegations tied to The President, and it doesn't serve The Public well having the Presidential Position tarnished so badly.
Again, if this was a murderer at the start of his legal case, should The Public be forced to have the alleged murderer remain in power over them until the death sentence is eventually awarded?

This President is turning USrael into a total embarrassment.

and now the even bigger embarrassment:
USrael's government is a total embarrassment.

Again, the money and its relation to campaign financing is not the important part of this revelation!!! This is all part of USrael's One Party and USrael's MSM diverting The Public's attention off to something else.

Again, the main issue about this revelation is a person was threatened potentially with murder.
When murder threats are moved off to being unimportant, you know your nation no longer exists - it's not working for The Public, at all.

Cued at 2:04


Trump is bringing back millions of jobs in the mist of swamp storms as we live in the #informationwar and we all can continue in global revolutions as we take back our families and local communities from globalist and deep state and many bad people in many countries and we battle in this daily fight which is very historic.

Well, the "Trump is bringing back millions of jobs" isn't what the stock market investors say he's doing in his saber rattling with Russia/China etc., so I'll not move on to the rest of the paragraph...

But Trump is bringing back millions of jobs. You can count them. You can say that other people say the jobs are not there but the jobs are there. Many good things are happening. Making people with Korea and the Middle East. There are a million things going on all at the same time but globalists are trying to kill us and you might be in denial of the global revolutions. Why are you on Steemit? Maybe because Facebook sucks. But why not trust Facebook? Why not trust Facebook for trying to stop Trump? If you leave Facebook and come to Steemit, then that is almost maybe hypocritical.

Refer to previous answer. His plans to bring back domestic jobs will shut down many times that amount of jobs.
Why on Steemit - because we can't trust big government Google, FB, Twitter, and there isn't currently a suitable enough replacement for them. Steemit has potential, but it's lacking. I'm here for now.

It is good to make government smaller.

No such thing. The "Small Government" BS we hear from the One Party is just indoctrination to catch the clueless and arrogant. The right size government is whatever size is getting governmental duties done well. Whether that is small or large I don't know. I do know that the BS "Small Government" is too small to handle government duties for The Public well, and they want it small to save money that can be filtered to the rich or to purposes they want to use it for.

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