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RE: "Serious" Journalism

in #politics6 years ago

Yes, and both promised to make their country great again, that everything will be better when just GROUP was not in the country, both said said that the treaties made with other countries were bad for eceonomy, both were loved by their fans because they were "a strong man not be afraid to say the truth" (in both cases the "truth" mostly were lies) and so on.

I admit the difference is that Hitler got a lot of his crowds because of his speaking capabilities while for Trump it was his inherited money that did the trick.


All politicians pledge to make their countries great again, except Obama who promised to manage the decline.
One said it would be better when a native religious/ethnic group was exterminated and the other said it would be better when illegal aliens were not allowed to flaunt our laws anymore, it's pretty stupid to equate immigration enforcement with genocide, that's where your analogy fails big time.

One man was an art school reject, the other is a billionaire businessman. One hated Jews, tried to exterminate them all, the other loves Jews, finally did for them what 5 of his predecessors had all called for, now we have an Embassy in Jerusalem, like Obama Clinton, Bush, Reagan and Carter all called for but failed to achieve.
One man hated black athletes, the other loves them and is loved by them.
Both America and 30s Germany were suffering as a result of bad treaties, that was neither Trump's nor Hitler's fault and they were both right to address those problems, should Trump deny that we have made shitty treaties in the past?
I haven't heard anyone refer to Trump as "a strong man" who are you quoting?

I admit the difference is that Hitler got a lot of his crowds because of his speaking capabilities while for Trump it was his inherited money that did the trick.

Well, one was an art school reject and the other a billionaire businessman, please tell me how exactly it was Trump's inherited money that causes huge crowds to come to his rallies, how does that work?

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