To believe or not to believe - Either way, hypocrisy galore.

in #politics4 years ago


Cards on the table.

Who is telling the truth between this on-going saga between Biden and Reade? I don't know, and I don't think anyone apart from them knows either. However, I do think there is more evidence here than there was against Kavanaugh but whether that makes enough of a difference to decide whether people will vote for him or not, now that's contentious.

The democrats have gone all out to discredit her, and this is the antithesis of everything they have said and stood for.

It actually doesn't matter if they find evidence against her. It doesn't matter if the true facts are that Kavanaugh did infact assault Blasey-Ford, and Reade is a psychopathic liar, because it's the dedicated effort to dig into Reade's story that stands in sharp contrast to the Kavanaugh/Blasey-Ford case. Efforts which the Democrats have objected to in the recent past.

The last time they were this eager to find evidence discrediting an accuser was in 1992, when James Carville talked about dragging dollar bills through trailer parks. Since then, the Dems have become ever more queasy about Bill Clinton and the treatment of his accusers.

The message from the Democrats is clear.

They will stand by the accusers unless they get between the Presidency and them. In which case, they'll go all out to destroy them.

Clearly, it doesn't matter if she's a lying psychopath at this point. What matters is that the Democrats immediately set out to discredit her, completely 180 degree turning from what they had been saying was right.

If we ever find out for sure that Reade is a liar, we'll only know because the Democrats were gross hypocrits.

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