The Political System of The Future is Already Here

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

An alien observer would quickly come to an interesting realisation upon descending on our blue pale dot—as Carl Sagan once romantically framed the idea of our planet. It would be quite evident that a specific species on this floating rock, developed a system of digital networking where all members are able to freely associate with each other. Quite amazing considering the fact that most of space is dessolate.

Examining further into the evolution of this planetary networking system, the alien explorer would be fascinated in the ways we managed to evolve our primitive systems of governance. At the beginning coercive and jungle-like, based on the power of numbers. Today, more spontaneous, where the entire species voluntarily takes part irrelevant to one's background. Ofcourse not everybody is quite there yet. This is still a transitional period.


For the most part of our history we worked on the grounds of ethno-socialism. Specific geographical areas with a given group of people came up with restrictive systems, governed by military and civil law. This benefited the inhabitants of some areas while it damaged others. Many erroneously have called this system Capitalism, misinterpreting it with Corporatism. The difference between the two is that Capitalism embraces markets through free association, whereas Corporatism controls markets through political systems. This difference is essential as it marks the pivot of our civilisation into a non-system.

One can safely assume that the Internet is not a political system but rather a tool of free association. This would be a much broader realisation considering how many different uses this technology can have. Each individual utilizes the world wide web in a unique and personal way. The web becomes the individual and vice versa.


The dynamic nature of the Internet also makes all political systems obsolete. Every idea, every dream and passion gets distilled and personalised through the smallest minority on earth – the individual. Groups, fractions, ideologies and beliefs, all get smashed under the vastness of networked information. Every religious person becomes a heresy. Every political idealist his personal ideology. Every single person becomes the sum of his unique experiences and nobody else’s. This cleansing power of the individual is what makes the Internet the political system of tomorrow.

In this non-system, as I mentioned in a previous article, we utilize and create our personal capital whether it is intellectual, social or financial. With no central control, rules emerge much like quantum particles via myriads of anarchic interactions. Like Eric Schmitt, Google CEO pointed out;

The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had

In anarchy all systems are allowed as long as they tolerate all other systems. This very much applies to the Internet where any form of ideology becomes irrelevant. Whether one is Communist, Republican, Christian or Atheist, all end up interacting under social networks, exchanging value. Each and every person profits. This is not a zero-sum game where one loses in respect to another. Wealth is created constantly from all facets of the network.


Under this digital dome we are all integral parts, giving meaning and purpose to each other. Free association under private institutions such as Steemit, E-bay, Apple or the grocery store down the street— it’s what makes the internet so powerful. Each of us has private rules of operation and each of us is allowed to be part of different groups at the same time without commiting allegiance to any single one.

The cultural meaning of chaos becomes absurd. Billions of individuals interact with each other, giving rise to spontaneous systems that nobody really planed. There is no central power, nor a central body of governance unless one makes the choice. There is no coercion because the individual can choose. One, can rise as easy as one can fall. We are the transitional generation of political redundancy, living perhaps in one of the most exciting times in human history.

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When you pointed out the difference between capitalism and corporatism the whole article was worth it. A very important distinction with profound implications that very few (even here) really understand.
Hope people notice that. Part of why I am making a comment about it, to try and shine more light there.


Indeed it is important since lessaiz-fair capitalism is the purest form of voluntaryism

Nice man! def some deep thought in this.


Thank you. It's the midnight night train... passing through

Nice work once again. check me out too @kyriacos

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