Movement of People - Reasons for Migration

in #politics7 years ago

Europe Under Pressure ..

Everyday we read stories about either terrible outcomes for human migrants trying to enter Europe, or the consequences of the flood of new arrivals to the continent. There is a lot of emotion attached to our reactions - fear, frustration with our government policies, and of course uncertainty - this leads to a great deal of compassion for some, but for most, feelings of anger leading to intolerance.

I will not attempt to dissuade anyone from their perspective, because given what facts we take into account, and those we choose to ignore, both positions are valid. There is a great deal to be concerned about - retaining the culture of the land given the influx of people whose fundamental belief system is diametrically opposed to the core beliefs of the citizens of their new "home" - there is violence, sometimes perpetrated against women and children, and there is of course the financial burden placed upon the receiving nations.

Why Do They Come?

Food, Shelter, Safety

For thousands of years, human beings have been moving, sometimes across great distances, in order to find food, shelter, and safety. Food shortages due to weather or changes in animal populations, and also for safety, in response to threat, environmental or from their fellow human beings, have caused people to pack up their lives and relocate.

Trapped Within Tribal / Political Boundaries

Golos (and STEEM), being decentralized means of communication, the creation of which is diametrically opposed to any form of unwarranted control and censorship, should understand the consequences that people face when they come up against the political realities of the particular country they find themselves contained within. Prior to the rise of nations, the only barriers that human beings face when they felt the need to relocate, were perhaps the regions controlled by different tribal groups, but mostly it was difficult terrain and lack of food and water along the way, that would slow or stop their progress.

Today, people feel the need to move for more complex reasons - economic problems (lack of opportunity), social problems (belonging to a marginalized group), educational opportunities (lack of access to more advanced, or more "liberal" education), political problems (authoritarian or failing government), or family-related reasons (ie. reunification).

Push-Pull Factors

We know that the reason the current, and highly damaging migration is occurring, is due to the political, economic and military mistakes, or malicious success, of the most powerful governments on Earth, and caught in the wake are innocent people. Yes, amongst these innocents, are many who seek to do "The West" harm, or who will, through this experience, become radicalized. But, we can not forget that the women and children, who are simply victims - they were victims of the culture in the land that they left behind, and now they arrive in a place that can not welcome them.

Push: not enough jobs, few opportunities, natural disasters, inadequate conditions, political and social fear, poor medical conditions, pollution lack of housing ..

Pull: job opportunities, better living conditions, religious freedom, enjoyment, education, better medical condition, attractive climates, security, family links, stronger economy

What "We" Should Have Done to Prevent ..

If I were to describe my perspective on International Relations, it would be very much akin to the Non-Interference Policy popularized by the Star Trek franchise. That policy stated that any society "finding it's way forward", should be left to do so ... in my opinion, Iran is one such society, which had been making significant steps forward during a period when it was not the target of the USA and Israel. If however a state fails, or becomes static and abusive, then there is reason, humanitarian reasons to help bring about change .. first diplomatically, and if resisted .. and the abuses reach an unacceptable level, then force must be applied.

The answer to the question, what should have been done in Syria, can be given in one word .. "Aid". By opening communication and pushing governments to change their policies through positive incentive, and providing development assistance, expanded trade, and not isolating them, hurting them with sanctions, harassing them militarily and economically, conflict could have been avoided. After conflict erupts, then providing security for civilians on the ground, with an aggressive humanitarian response, and then changing conditions in the region, by force if necessary, to make it possible for people to return to their homes at some point in the future. This sacrifice would have helped avoid the existential threat that the current flood of migrants is causing now.

Of course, if George W Bush and his gang did not invade Iraq, with absolutely no 'real' justification, then the current horror would not now be occurring. Governments do have a role .. they have the obligation to avoid conflict, as much as possible, not to instigate holocausts.

Reposted from Golos


When I was in school, I thought that was what was happening. Then I grew up and wondered why we didn't just help people. One possible answer; the war machine. It's some real like hunger games going on and now the terrorism in out of control.

Terrorism is nearing out of control, even if we have a long way to go until an invader takes over the western world. What the west has done to the middle east is terrorism no doubt, but what the media has done to the minds of people is a lesser form of terrorism as well, and finally what the shadow government has done though the numerous false flags is outright terrorism, and creating the brown boogie man has been happening for a while now, the only push we have is to break down these propagandist narratives and question their motives.

Who are us to judge what Bush did? There are already 13 years and I think the world change too much. The backdoor factors we will never know so in my point of view we just need to accept what the leaders we voted are doing.

Even if they are only the face of a entire system

hellllllnoooo .. but thanks for the feedback
The conclusion that what Bush-Cheney and the Project for the New American Century, the Carlyle Group .. and the rest of the long list profiteers.. did, was an absolute crime against humanity, required no time at all .. a great many of us knew this was the case, before the first boots hit the ground.

Just accept the wrongs and don't attempt to even criticize the perpetrators because you didn't walk a mile in the murdering rapists shoes to know why he raped and murdered.

Well, I don't see the point with what I said but I am not going to get in this discussion. Politcs= art to govern.

Don't talk about Bush because you aren't Bush, just accept Bush because.

Yeah. That's what I said.

Based on that logic we shouldn't discuss anyone ever, besides ourselves. Be it a rapist murderer or a "elected" leader, because that raping murder has their story, poor raping murderers and you need to sympathize with liars like bush and defend them and their choices, least we question them.

Regardless of the "role of government", it has repeatedly stepped outside this role and there is no reason to trust it. Limited government fail.

The other inherent problem that plagues government is that they will always rely on immorality of imposing it's will onto people and it gathers it's power through the absurdity of delegating powers the majority couldn't even dream up let alone actually have, onto those that seek power, almost exclusively.

To argue that "government should do this or that and not that" is to consider that absurdity as sound, as logical. Once you realize that the premise of government is evil, immoral, wrong, there won't be anything redeeming to be found in it.

Great post!

I hope the dissolution of boarders is somewhere in our future. We all need to realize that everyone is just you in a different body, with a different life circumstance. We need to band together as a human race, and push forward into the future collectively.

If we did, there is nothing that we couldn't achieve.

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