Authorities Conflict Over Immigration as the EU Fights for Dominance

in #politics7 years ago

Can you decide who you let into your home? Or does someone else get to decide for you? When it comes to borders though, the issue gets confounded and larger grouping authoritative bodies want to impose upon the smaller ones to force them to let people in.

I know some people don't like borders, or think they are illegitimate to be created in the first place. But I have argued before that borders and boundaries are found at many levels of human living, from the homes we separate into and keep boundaries for privacy and individual operation as a separate family unit within society, and even within the home there are rooms for each individual within that unit. As more individuals aggregate together, yet not live in the same home, they too can create boundaries of various kinds, such as community boundaries if they so choose which has been done in gated communities.

Further, you can get to the point of boundaries between nations where certain groups of people agree to live a certain way that differs from other groups of people who agree to live a different way. The boundary states that over here we live like this, and over there will maybe you don't live like this. Just as within each individual home family units may operate differently, and even within each individual room people will behave differently and organize their rooms differently.

Source: wikimedia

Dysfunctional Plan for Migrants and Refugees

I bring this issue up again because the European Union's European Commission is now taking legal action against the three member states of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. They are being accused of not having "taken the necessary action" to deal with the dislocated migrants and refugees from the past years.

They are being expected to distribute asylum-seekers throughout their country just as Greece, Italy and other member states have done. Since January of this year alone, other countries within the Euro-bloc have relocated over 10,000 people from Italy and Greece, a fivefold increase compared to the same period last year, says the European Commission. But the Czech Prime Minister is calling out this plan as dysfunctional.

“The European Commission blindly insists on pushing ahead with dysfunctional quotas which decreased citizens’ trust in EU abilities and pushed back working and conceptual solutions to the migration crisis,” said Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.

Legal Obligation

Source: flickr
Dimitris Avramopoulos, Minister of Defence, Greece – Presidency of the European Union

Warsaw, Poland is also refusing to accept the quota of refugees as established by the European Commission, and are getting ready to take their right to refuse refugees into their nation into a European Union court. The EU Commission's migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos has said “When it comes to relocation, let me be crystal clear: the implementation of the Council Decisions on relocation is a legal obligation, not a choice.”

You see, what the EU wants is for nations to have blind obedience to their centralized authority. And what I find funny about this is that many nations operate the same way towards their own citizens by expecting obedience to the centralized authority, or from the communities within their own country.

Countries like the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary have been staunchly opposed to this dysfunctional plan where they are forced to accept migrants and refugees based on obligatory quotas. If a nation wants to operate differently, and create more secure borders, this runs in opposition to the European Union's plans for the future of Europe.

Freedom and Privacy

If individuals have freedom and privacy from others in their rooms, and families have freedom and privacy from other families in their houses, then why can some nations have freedom and privacy from other nations, while others can't and "need to do as their told" from a higher up boss? Because they made a foolish agreement to subsume their national authority to a centralized European authority. People can still choose to change it, if they have the numbers.

A Centralized New World Order

The European Union, and how it overrides the authority of individual nations, is just the next step in the agenda towards world government. It's also just a continuation of what we arty have at smaller scales. Each subsequent level subsumes its authority to the level above.

Unions of nations supersede nations. Nations supersede provinces are states. Provinces supersede cities or towns. Cities or towns supersede the individual. We just keep repeating the same model upwards towards more centralized governance and control over all the smaller groups until it reaches a one world government. This is known as the agenda for a new world order or NWO.



Great article, shares my point of view as well. Its funny how people look only at the close picture a.k.a "Brexit", this or that terrorist act but its just a small piece of the big puzzle, all those events - migrant crysis, ellections, brexit etc. are just simulations to have people believe they are in control. Thank you for your content!

Indeed hehe. You're welcome and thanks for the feedback. BTW, you should use single quote, not the tick ` of the tilde ~ sign ;)

Unfortunately this is one of the reasons that the majority of British citizens voted to leave the European Union. Now our country is in turmoil and tearing itself apart over Brexit! I hope none of the Visegrad four share our fate - we are a relatively large country but many British people think we are being penalised for daring to leave the EU.

Yup, you get punished by authority that has power over you (if they can) when you take their power away or threaten to. EU like other states, is just another centralized bully. It's going in the wrong direction instead of decentralized individual power. Thanks for the feedback.

That's why may threw the election, to delay until they can stop it.

Great comparison between ones own house and the countries border. This is a big issue in many countries at the moment. One that helped get President Trump elected, for example. I haven't seen any information on the EU so this is very educational for me. Thank you @krnel

Great, glad to help with some info! Yeah, people know having borders and some level of control over what happens to your nation is important, and so did Trump while the rest of politicians are trying to fit into globalist PC majorities to win, Trump used issues people dodge and don't take a controversial stand on. Thanks for the feedback.

Very in depth outline of the issue. I think we are at a crossroads of "tribal" heritage and "globalist" humanism. People have migrated since they could and well before defined modern Nation-States existed. In some cases they were invited by the rulers/kings, in others - such as when Angles and Saxons decided to settle the Island of Britain, they just kept coming...gradually absorbing the the Celtic/Romanized leftovers that were living there already. We need to confirm individual human rights and values, while at the same time recognizing and preserving indigenous cultures when a wave of migration changes a location (regardless of the details of the migration). In today's age we see a large scale mass migration into Europe from people who know that their life will be better. That basic motivation was what also compelled millions of Europeans to migrate all over the world.

THey are the evil empire, new world order. take your chance and end it or die a slave.

Great article. Unfortunately only Brussels decides and your elected officials are just puppets. If citizens rights to say no does not matter then why vote because these elected people people don't represent the people. The citezens want jobs but can't get any for immigrants get paid less and therefore there goes your job.

Do you live in Europe?

No but visit a lot and trust me immigrants everywhere while locals are shut out of doing busssiness or getting jobs.

I strongly suspect this is not accurate. In fact, does the content of the article not directly refute this, since a main topic of the article is all about governments reneging on their bargain with brussels?

This is, in my opinion, a rather myopic way to view the issue, and it ignores the fundamental underpinnings of what it means to be a confederation.

Being a confederation is all about being stronger together, and that part of the exchange makes perfect sense to most people. We are stronger if me team up to make better trade deals, if we connect our infrastructure so that our citizens can travel easier, spend easier, get an education easier, invest easier, and generally grow our collective economy better. We share a defensive network that increases security, have each other's backs in negotiations with outside parties so that our negotiations carry significantly more weight, all of this is fairly intuitive. But another part of teaming up, of confederating, a part that is just as important, is sharing burdens, and distributing the load of bad or undesirable things so that no individual member collapses under the weight or is crippled by it.

The refugee crisis is one such burden, a burden that must be shared. There are simply far too many refugees, and the cultural, job sector, and financial burden is just far too large, for any one member to reasonably bear. Therefore you divide the burden and collectively carry it.

To be a part of the EU for decades, part of the less formalized European community for the better part of a century, to reap the substantial and vital benefits that have come from that, and then refuse your part of an unwelcome burden when it comes along, is bad form of the worst sort. It should be ethically reprehensible on it's face, but even if we set ethics aside, from a strictly utilitarian standpoint, it is a terribly idea. If nations simply refuse to shoulder their portion of the burden, leaving the last good actor left holding the bill, what does that do to the union? What does it do when your good actors get buried under a burden the others refuse to help lift? That does nothing but weaken and divide and strain the alliance, and compromise all of those benefits for future generations that previous generations were happy to enjoy.

But this is how people are, they are willing to compromise and endanger unfathomable amounts of long term good to avoid short term discomfort and change. It's one of the worst traits of our species.

Thanks for your input ;)

Was thinking about this topic as my country Montenegro joined NATO lately. I bet you all saw Trump's "opinion" about Montenegro. Same thing the EU.

NATO is the bully task force for them hehe.

@berniesanders so? why did you flag this?

im with the eastern countries....and so glad CH(confederation helvetica) is not in the EU...
project EU is a failure from the very beginning....

Completely agree

thank you....and i think a lot of people within the EU say/feel the same way....

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