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RE: The Strange World That Is Steve Bannon.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

"He is genuinely interested in the declining white working middle class. Elites and bankers should not expect to see their interests served."
What nonsense is this? Let's take a few excerpts from wikipedia,to see who Steve Bannon really is:"After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers and Acquisitions Department.[39] When he left the company he held the position of vice president.[40][b]

Bannon was a founding member of the board of Breitbart News,[57] an online far-right news, opinion and commentary website which, according to Philip Elliott and Zeke J. Miller of Time, has "pushed racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic material into the vein of the alternative right".[17]

In March 2012, after founder Andrew Breitbart's death, Bannon became executive chair of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart News.[58][59][60] Under his leadership, Breitbart took a more alt-right and nationalistic approach toward its agenda.[61] Bannon declared the website "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016.[19] Bannon identifies as a conservative.[62][63][64] Speaking about his role at Breitbart, Bannon said: "We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class."[65]
"In a 2014 speech to a Vatican conference, Bannon made a passing reference to Julius Evola, a twentieth-century, Nazi-linked Italian writer who influenced Mussolini's Italian Fascism and promoted the Traditionalist School, described by a New York Times writer as "a worldview popular in far-right and alternative religious circles that believes progress and equality are poisonous illusions."[70] In referring to the associated views of Vladimir Putin, who is influenced by Evola follower Aleksandr Dugin, Bannon stated “We, the Judeo-Christian West, really have to look at what he's talking about as far as Traditionalism goes — particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism."[70] He has likewise quoted French anti-Enlightenment writer Charles Maurras approvingly to a French diplomat.[71][72]

Starting in 2015, Bannon has frequently referenced controversial, racist 1973 French novel The Camp of the Saints, which depicts immigration destroying Western civilization.[73]

He is elite,and he serves the elite. Do you know about his ties to Mercer?

I normally like and suupport your articles,but this time you have written a lazy pice of crap.

This is too important to blabber about,without doing your research.


Why don 't you comment at all? You have nothing to say? Except making an ad for your post?
My comments are not personal at all. I gave you constructive feedback and criticism,in an honest way.

@kooshikoo - this is just some brain splurge during the refresh period I promise you :) Hell, I even did a science article the other day with no references! Your right, I need to sharpen my lazy ass before next weeks full pool refresh! I agree that Bannon does have Wall St connections, but he does seem to be distancing himself from them now that he's in power.

I disagree, there is no proof of that. I think he's a a liar,just like Trump.
Anyway, Steve Bannon is thrown out, it seems:

With Bannon’s painting of a bulls-eye on bipartisan corruption and politicians’ self-enrichment, it is easy to see why establishment media is slinging so much mud at him right now.

Again,populist propaganda. Bannon is a politician.He has a fat salary. He is an investment banker,and a fake news creator.
THe establishment media that you are talking about, like MSNBC, is loyal to the Democratic party, so what did you expect?
And the Trump regime is incredibly impopular overall,look at the polls.

I really can't see Trump lasting the full term, but it'll be exciting to see what appears on the horizon?? Thanks for re-awakening my brain again this morning @kooshikoo and thanks for kicking my ass - I know its not personal in anyway. All we are here to do is to become better bloggers i.e. not be lazy asses! Ha ha! Steem on my friend :)

Bannon argues that the “permanent political class” in Washington “extracts” power from the rest of the country so they can make money without producing actual goods!

Producing goods is not profitable enough for the venture capitalists. What you need to realise is that there is no longer any imprtant distinction between state power and the capitalist elite,it's a symbiosis. The Trump regime is the culmination of this development,not a break from it.
don't buy into their populist lies. Telll me what they have done to"drain the swamp"? I dare you!

I do agree with that last paragraph @kooshikoo Bannon's a shape-shifter and a turncoat, he's not fooling anyone - the same as Trump!

Bannon believes Washington is controlling the money, “not that money controls Washington." The rest of the country is in a financial and economic crisis. Much of the country is almost in a depression. And, yet, you have Washington with the three richest counties bordering it seven out of top 10, the big number, per capita income is now higher than Silicon Valley. The great technology engine in the United States!

What Steve Bannon says he belives,and what he actually believes are entirely different things. What has he done to prove that he can be trusted?
Working for Goldman Sachs and running a fucked-up alt-right site does not count in his favour.
All evidence suggests that he is a racist scumbag of the highest order.

Which raises a question: If Bannon is indeed seeing his influence wane, is there any evidence that the stench of Bannonism itself is any less prevalent in this White House? Perhaps Bannon is getting pushed out, but will that change the fact that the Trump agenda continues to reflect the ugliest aspects of Bannon's nativist nationalism in as pronounced a fashion as ever?

My answer: If Trump could decide it all himself,he would continue in Bannons footsteps. However there are indications that Trump is under pressure to moderate his policies. He has broken many of his campaign promises already,for instance in regards to trade deals with china.

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