Zimbabwe elections underway but in total violence| The first Presidential election after 38-years.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

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Most businesses have gone to a termination in Harare, the capital city Zimbabwe due to the prevailing situation that were steamed by presidential elections which were carried out this week.

The situation in Zimbabwe is so tense that it has led to the death of three people in the city of Zimbabwe that were caused due to the clashes between the security forces probably from the current dominating political party, ZANU and the supporters of the opposition leader Nelson Chamisa.

After the disappointment of Zimbabweans by the former retired president Mr. Robert Mugabwe, people were not convinced by the temporary appointed President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Monday's elections were being rigged to give President Mnangagwa victory, as you know politics things.

These are the first elections to be carried out in the country since the retirement of the longest serving ruler Mr. Robert Mugabe back in November last year.

These polls were meant and designed to bring Zimbabwe to a whole new path after the continued control Mugabe had over the country.

President Mnangagwa is calling for peace for the people of Zimbabwe over the internet and reliable sources but the people seem to have a deaf ear, people literally want change and that is PEACE. He continued by tweeting.


Due to the continued support of the security forces, no violence was reported today, Thursday. The city of Zimbabwe is like a building logged with soldiers hence there is no chance for chaos and violence.

The city center is like a "ghost town," it looks like those parts in movies which have eaten up mankind with a virus or have been attacked by an Alien invasion.

Without any mean dishonesty, and the due results in hand, the Electoral Commission (Zec) of Zimbabwe has declared Zanu-PF party the winner of the parliamentary election, with a two-thirds majority.

The commission is still counting votes and it has informed people that the delay has been caused by the number of people (24) who stood for presidency.

On the other hand, the Electral Commision established the sad truth how its website had been hacked, saying it took it down within the first 11 minutes" of the attack.

All businesses in the city have been put to a hault and ruins of the chaos and violence could bring the capital to trouble though still the is no sign that shows any organised protests by the supporters of opposition.


protests being carried out in Zimbabwe.

The current president is blaming the chaos and violence on the opposition party, MDC Alliance and has now promised an independent investigation.

But the main issue in the heart of all this violence is yet to be resolved and that is the results of the presidential elections which the opposition is well aware that they are being rigged.

What happened after the day of election.

The following day after the elections were carried out, the opposition party, MDC Alliance was clear and well assured that Mr Chamisa had won the presidential election, pre-empting an official announcement and prompting its supporters to celebrate in some areas of Harare.


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