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RE: I was once a neocon - why neoconservatism failed, and why it will ALWAYS fail

in #politics8 years ago

So basically when the idiot bush ran for president you voted for him. Now when the idiot trump ran for president you voted for him. Your mistakes are getting bigger not smaller.


how about the cult leader obama? lol. he continued the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan after promising the typical antiwar sucker that he'd stop them...of course they keep licking his ass after that because leftists are born sheep. the big "protests" disappeared even after the expansion of the drone war

after turning his back on the Ukrainians (the Budapest Memorandum was an agreement that the United States made to guarantee the Uke's sovereignty in return for them giving up their nuclear defense against the Russians),obama tried to get us in a war with those same Russians over Syria, a country we had NO agreement with and no interest in whatsoever...yet the antiwar liberals kept licking obam-ass...that whole sheep thing, remember.

And after HOW many security breaches of American databases did the democong concern themselves over Russian and Chinese hacking? Only after some hackers (possibly Russian), disclosed the corruption, malfeasance and treason of the democrats did the democong say a word about the Russian threat.

Before that, it was all "reset buttons" " and "more flexibility" and "the 80s want their foreign policy back"

SNORT. The point of admitting and analyzing mistakes is to avoid making them the next time around, not to conform to whatever pravda the DNC tells you to parrot on any given day.

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