Centrist Democrats Circle the Wagons and Resolve to Roll Right

in #politics6 years ago

Sanders' wing of the party terrifies moderate Dems. Here's how they plan to stop it.

Party members and fundraisers gathered for an invitation-only event to figure out how to counteract the rising progressive movement.

Some of the key initiatives are a massive apprenticeship program to train workers, a privatized employer-funded universal pension that would supplement Social Security and an overhaul of unemployment insurance to include skills training. Other proposals included a "small business bill of rights" and the creation of a "BoomerCorps" — like the volunteer AmericaCorps for seniors.

Big Ideas from the Corporate Democrats

reeducate workers
privatize social security
training the unemployed
geriatric volunteerism

5 Questions 3 Sir – 3 Questions :

Is this a winning strategy for 2018 and 2020?

Is this actually courting Moderate Republicans?

How will the Left Wing of the Democratic party and Labor react to this political tack?

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