The Journals of Justus Agenstum #1: The Re-education of America

in #politics8 years ago


Prior to the implementation of public education in the United States of America, children were homeschooled. If they went to school at all it was in a one room school house that served a handful of children for a given community; these were far and few between. Children were taught the necessary skill sets to ensure survival, from the earliest ages up until they were ready to leave home; many of them doing so before arriving at their 18th birthday. Many of these children had no fear of striking out on their own. They came from parents who were role models for striking out on their own, so it came as no surprise that their children would feel confident enough in their abilities to leave home at earlier ages. It also came as no surprise that the parents, for the most part, harbored no worries about their children if/when they did strike out on their own.

Flash forward to the present, and our modern generations would have trouble surviving a night alone in the wilderness without the advantage of wifi, the internet, and social media. So, what happened to our education system, and more importantly…why did it happen?

To put it quite bluntly, our education system was hijacked by the federal government. That’s right, even though there are supposed to be laws preventing the federal government from interfering, or better yet controlling, the public education system that is used to teach our future generations; that is exactly what has happened. This was an absolutely necessary move if the government was to industrialize the food chain, and allow the pharmaceutical companies to continue experimenting with unproven petrochemical pollutants on the citizens of America.

It has long been said, and rightly so, that in order to control a population, all one needs to do is control the food supply. This is, without a shred of doubt, and without a single point of debate, the single truest statement in the history of humanity. People cannot live without food and water, and although water is a higher necessity, it is not seen as being in jeopardy of running out, primarily because the people can see it; most people live near a body of water, so it is very difficult to manipulate it. Food supplies on the other hand can be manipulated, and have been before. As a matter of fact, all you need to do is take a look at Venezuela today and you can see what taking control of a nation’s food supply can amount to; total social collapse.

Total social collapse allows a government to use all forms of “defensive,” measures to ensure the nation’s “security.” That is the main reason the US federal government elected to industrialize the food supply in this country; it wasn’t to ensure the survivability of the species and their fellow countrymen, it was to ensure they could enforce their control over the food chain and supply. We see this everywhere we look. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) determines the level of impurities that are acceptable in the food supply. The USDA (US Department of Agriculture) determines what can and cannot be used to grow industrial food crops; pesticides, herbicides, etc. This is the federal government saying that they know what is better for you than you know yourself.

By taking over the education system, the federal government ensured itself the opportunity to train millions of drones to rely on the infrastructures it had put in place, thereby stripping people of their inherent knowledge and skill sets that made them capable of claiming a spot at the top of the animal kingdom. This ensures the federal government that they have very little to fear from those they govern over. If the people are unable to grow their own food, they must depend on the government for sustenance, and are therefore less likely to revolt. This in turn, allows the ruling elite class to remain in power without concern for the fellow countrymen.

Why was all of this done? Why would they go to such measures? Because the ruling elite classes of the world have always agreed on one thing; remaining in power at all costs. They have come to realize that the best method of ensuring their reign atop the pilgrims is to implement various forms of socialism.

Since WWII the United States has been an ongoing experiment in implementing an “adopted form of socialism,” as opposed to a forced form of socialism such as Russia and China were famous for imposing on their citizenry. Every one of America’s “social programs,” are just that, they are systems designed by socialists to slowly and tirelessly transition a free thinking society to accept socialism and the belief that equal misery is somehow better for the masses than capitalism and the opportunity to escape poverty.

In order for this massive socialism experiment to work though, the federal government had to ensure that they could persuade the population to depend on them above all else, and the only way they could realistically pull off something of that magnitude was by taking over control of the one thing that could be used to successfully distribute the propaganda and ensure it was properly consumed; the public education system.

Then to improve their odds of overall success, they made public education mandatory for all children up until the 12th grade, which coincided with their 18th birthday; an age around which much would hinge, the right to vote biggest among them. Now, if they could train them in an ideology for 18 years and then get them to vote for what they were taught, the ruling elite all but guaranteed themselves an eternal seat of power within the government structure. So, in essence, the federal government stripped the responsibility of education away from the parents and placed it firmly in the hands of the nation state. It’s not very hard to imagine how easy that was to manipulate. Take a look at our modern education system and the Common Core standards that everyone appears to detest. These are not designed to enhance education; they are designed to train future generations to rely on more unreliable infrastructures.

All of this re-education brings us to the current day. Over 90% of US citizens have never grown their own food. An astounding 95+% have absolutely no idea how to grow crops, or raise livestock; they are 100% dependent on the federal government to provide them with sustenance. This is how they will remain in control of them, this is how they will continue to enslave them mentally, this is how they will slowly and assuredly continue to transition this country’s government into an acceptable form of socialism. If we, the people, do not regain control of the education system and abolish federal involvement permanently, our future generations will rewrite the Constitution to provide the ruling elite with even more power than they currently consume!

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