Impeachment of Dilma Rousseff – Betrayal and Thirst for Power

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Source Photo Agência Brasil

The former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff was stripped of the post of Chief of staff of Brazil.A long process, beginning with the popular street protests in July 2013, protest that involved several political movements on both sides of the ideological spectrum (right and left) and sought greater transparency in public spending, the end of corruption and expressed also the indignation by high spending in the construction of football stadiums for the 2014 World Cup.

The culmination of these events was when more or less 200,000 people gathered in Brasilia, the federal capital, and promoted a protest that has been a long time since I came here in the country with people trying to break into the National Congress, being this act suppressed by the police and by the personal guard of the presidency. Tear gas, rubber bullet shots from the police side and sticks, stones, kicks and punches the side of the protesters.


Source Photo: Agência Brasil

After the 2014 World Cup, explodes the operation "Car Wash" of the brazilian federal police, holding various corporate and political businessmen linked to the government of Dilma Rousseff. This operation has including the name of former President Lula da Silva as one of the indicted, where he received "as a gift" an apartment and a gated community of luxury of one of the companies investigated in exchange for support in public bidding for construction of state works.

In the presidential elections of 2014, although the figure of Dilma and his political party be tarnished because of allegations of corruption, she can be reelected President with the same typical populist speech in Latin America to be "on the side of the poor" and promising more benefits and state assistance as we know more than people release traps of misery.

In contrast to the success of Dilma in the election campaign, the dissatisfaction of the productive class of the country does not stop growing and several protests return to take care of Brazil asking her exit from the Presidency. Were these protests that were repeated several times, and in all the capitals of Brazil who made pressure to the destitution of Dilma. As a result the popularity of it in brazilian society came to 10%, the biggest rejection has already seen by a president in the entire history of the Brazilian Republic.

In addition to popular dissatisfaction, the charges levied on Dilma is the rigging of the state, where she was directing resources from state-owned banks to maintain social programs that was the biggest reason that sustained its success in electoral campaigns along the poorest.

The PMDB, Party connected to the then vice president Michel Temer, realizing that the output of Dilma was imminent, breaks with the government and together with their deputies and senators sped up the processing in the Chamber of Deputies and Senate to officialize the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff.

As it should be, fear was accused by Dilma, by his party and the social movements linked to the government as a traitor and rated the calling its dismissal of "scammers" and that she was suffering a "coup d'etat" and throughout the process that was the image that she insisted on selling to the world: the woman fragile, betrayed and that was being "Tortured" with a coup d'état. (a tear slipped from my eye... Not really, i am joking)

The end of history is that Dilma was relieved from his position and now along with social movements held by his political party will sell to all over the world the image of "coup d'etat". Michel Temer assumes the presidency of the Brazil until the end of 2018. He will govern a country that is destroyed by economic and political crisis, with a population highly discredited in the political class of the country (in my view, this is great), with an inflation rate that is continuing to grow and unemployment already reaches 12 million people.

I end my post with three very wise sayings :

"What causes crises and mass unemployment is not the free market, but government interference in the economy" (Ludwing von Mises)

"The state is a gang of thieves on a large scale." (Murray Rothbard)

"I do not believe that a politician, even the sweetest politician, has moral sense." (Nelson Rodrigues)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed .

I hope to count on your Upvote and dont forget:

Thank you very much.


Brazil is a country with a monstrous State that interferes in everything.

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