in #politics7 years ago

gun control debunked with facts thumbnail.png

In this video, I report on the most need to know statistics regarding the true nature of gun control.

As people hit the streets in the hundreds of thousands for the 'March For Our Lives' and the anti-gun lobby heats up to all time highs with emotional support from the left and the right, it's crucial for people to actually break free from the emotional assumptions and understand the FACTS.

According to the FBI and NSC, statistically, places with concealed carry and open carry have far less crime. People can focus all day on gun crimes, but to not factor in all violent crimes, theft, murder and other forms of abuse is to not actually care about the argument in question.

Places like Chicago and Detroit make up for the majority of shootings in the United States. Places like Britain and Australia have actually seen increased forms of assault, murder and theft following gun confiscation and control.

Criminals do not follow laws. Nor does the organized crime racket everyone would be giving their guns to. Government. The entity that has killed more people than anything else in the history of the world.

This is a problem of dependence and regurgitation of TV talking points. Individuals must stop depending on government and instead be independent free individuals as they are intrinsically or else we shall quickly fall into absolute tyrannical servitude.

In this video, countless stats are provided that blow the official mainstream narrative out of the water.

We can't wake everyone up on our own. Share this video with everyone! Let's make this viral!

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned for more from WAM! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

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Trump promised he would not infringe on the 2nd Amend when he was running for election. We will see if Dude keeps his word. Thanks for the share.

They never fulfill their promises, it's all bullshit to get elected. After all, he's part of the society that wants anyone who isn't "elite" as a slave.. so.. here comes (ATTEMPTED! ;P) gun control! :)

Emotion over reality.... ??? I don't know man, I just can't get these people who fall for the junk. I pray for them to wake up.

I would love to see original content video posted and not an Alphabet logo...

'Well said ❗️I can’t add to that . 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻❗️

Assist me in taking down THE biggest abuser on steemit!

I exposed @berniesanders for what he really is in my posts.

Just take a look at any of my posts (which I HAD to spam constantly to drain his VP and also to get the exposure I needed) and you can see just how far the abuse goes by @berniesanders.

He even got lazy at one point in making alternate accounts to abuse with and made "nextgen-InsertNumberHere-" accounts!

Please, do your due dilligence and check out, not only my posts, but his steemd track record on upvotes/downvotes. He's got many many more accounts than just the ones I've found, I'm sure, but those were only the ones that I could PROVE were his beyond a shadow of a doubt (based on voting/downvoting patterns, delegations, transactions, etc!)!

The real abuser here is the one who cries "ABUSE!!" the most, it is, none other than the inbred, cousin-fucker, that is, @berniesanders! :))

Here's a link to one of my latest posts, showing @berniesanders' alternate account list! I believe it's STILL growing.. which is sad.. He truly is a sociopathic dipshit! Let's take this fucking piece of shit out, together! :)

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