Cards Against Humanity Buys Land To Prevent Donald Trump's Wall

in #politics7 years ago

“We’ve purchased a plot of vacant land on the border and retained a law firm specialising in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for the wall to get built. "
~ Cards Against Humanity

Along with immigrants, immigrant advocates, and environmentalists, Cards Against Humanity has joined the many greats to fight against Trump's border wall.

They bought land and also retained a special law firm that specializes in domain. They took all the right steps to make it extremely hard for Trump to fight against it. Donald Trump would have to go to congress to make a few requests if he wanted to dispute Cards Against Humanity and that's just the beginning. Cards Against Humanity was able to accomplish that stand in just one day. Beautiful.

I salute Cards Against Humanity for taking a stand against someone in power with nothing but hate within. I have posted the link below to the INDEPENDENT.


Cool, so now they can open a burrito shop there so immigrants can stop for lunch on their way to America!

Who’s going to make the burritos?

Humanity needs more bridges and less walls. Thank you for the info.

Nice post. What do you get if you send $15 to CAH? You get a map and 6 surprise gifts. That's it . Some people have assumed you get a timy piece of land, but that is not true as per CAH's website. CAH still owns all the land . They will just be using all the contributions to pay their legal fees and court costs. Although CAH said they were going to delay the wall with this case, there is actually little they can do. If the government wants to take their land , it can do so. That is settled law. The only real question would be how much they have to pay . Read about the law of eminent domain. The issue of how much the government has to pay for land is decided by the court, not by CAH. Not much of a fight can be put up by CAH

maybe not indeed (not US citizen so I have no clue) but I guess it is a great troll for the medias to talk abouut and hopefully create more of this kind of initiatives?

Nice post about Cards Against Humanity

If there motives is to fight injustice then it is a noble move, but if it is just meant to make Trump Miserable; then It is all part of a Chess Game- Pawns!

thank you for sharing

I take it that you do not have a lock on your front door, that anyone can walk in and live with you whenever they want, whatever their basic values - because if not, surely you must be hate filled? Really? These are not arguments, this is emotional posturing devoid of reason. Db

Pathetic. They should be banned from profiting off of America. Globalization propaganda is real and taking hold in the minds of the short sighted. Can people really not distinguish the difference between immigrating to America years ago and now? A HUGE DIFFERENCE that biased and unintelligent apparently can not see. I hope when it all burns down and the elite 1% are still laughing these people realize their actions... But stupid has a hard time seeing stupid.

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