Why I don’t want the UK back into the EU

in #politics5 years ago (edited)


On March 22nd 2019, I started a petition on Change.org that sparked the rage of many British in Malta, including some friends of mine.

The petition is titled: We don’t want the UK back into the EU!
A strong statement!

Some critics viewed my wish to push the UK out of the EU for good as a speech of hate toward the UK or even as a racist attack against the British people! Nothing is more far from the truth.
There are many things coming from the UK that I am grateful for and everybody should, like for example:

  • Rock music: what music, especially rock would be without Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin or Queen?
  • James Bond Agent 007: The spy cinema probably would have never existed without Her Majesty’s secret agent. All the other spy movies are always pale copies of Mr. Bond.
  • Cars: and of course Bond wouldn’t be 007 without driving his Aston Martin, nor weddings would be the same without a ride on a Rolls Royce.
  • Betting: the UK invented the art of sports betting, then spread it to any kind of event people could predict something on. This gave life to a multi-billion industry that created jobs for millions of workers around the globe, including the author of this article.
  • Football: What the world would be without the game that we all love? Even if some might argue that England never did much as a national team, we cannot deny that the UK is football’s motherland and we cannot deny British football clubs impressive achievements even at European level, not limited to Liverpool’s epic deeds.
  • And of course, the English language! On a Babel’s planet, we are lucky that we can rely on a simple, direct, but yet enjoyable and rich language to communicate across different countries and cultures. Imagine what if the international language was still French (awesome language, but too complex for many) or even worse German or Russian!

If I’m so grateful to the UK, why I want this country out of the EU???

Because I’m grateful to the EU too!

In spite of the modern nationalistic lies trend, I am aware that the EU kept together a continent that has always been fighting despite the common cultural heritage, the similar languages, food, traditions, religion and laws.

Of course the European Union needs improvements, reforms and is still far from being perfect and inclusive, but still, it’s thanks to the EU that you can take a cheap Ryanair flight like it was a bus, enjoy a university semester of pure joy, alcohol and sex in another country, buy your new phone on the cheapest eBay shop in the Union, be free to expand your business easily beyond your state borders or be relieved from wasting time at the currency exchange bureau while on holiday.
All of this seems granted, but in reality it comes from the hard work and passion of dreamers that were crazy enough to envision what only 50-60 years ago was unimaginable! Just because of this, we all should be more respectful of the European Union and get more informed about it before possibly criticizing it, in a constructive way!
In the light of this, I can no longer tolerate the presence of a state that has always worked against the very European Project since its entrance in the treaty.

When the UK joined the EU

Whether I like the UK or not, I cannot ignore history. The United Kingdom joined The European Union in 1973 with the precise aim to stop the integration process and prevent that Europe could become a united nation, all while enjoying the advantages of being part of the biggest single trade market on the globe.
Throughout the decades, the UK punctually rejected every proposal of getting the European states closer:

  • NO to single army
  • NO to single intelligence
  • NO to single foreign policy
  • NO to single currency
  • NO to single fiscal policy
  • NO to the Tobin tax (to protect the establishment of the city that owns 90% of the world’s wealth)
  • NO to the European constitution and so on…

On the other hand, the UK has always been fond of enlarging the EU borders with new countries, some of which entered the Union only for economic interests, unwilling to share any inch of sovereignty. Simple logic: the more countries in, the bigger market, but at the same time harder for Brussels to move forward with the unification works.

The biggest lesson from Brexit

As if the British political establishment wasn’t enough, now even the British people directly created problems to the Europeans with a reckless vote that now those same voters are regretting.
British citizens believed lies that they WANTED to hear, lies that they LIKED. It was too good to think that the European Union was an unelected forum (in their imagination of course) of technocrats that wanted to establish a dictatorship in the continent and were bringing migrants in the country. Those same migrants that are supporting the British economy were the preferred target to vent people’s frustrations. British citizens didn’t check the validity of the arguments brought on the table by the Leave movement, nor they checked for any possible exit plan, until now, when they cry that they have been told lies, but the truth that it is too late.
Take home the biggest lesson from Brexit: Democracy doesn’t mean only having the freedom to express opinions and to vote, but it also means to be accountable for your own decisions.

We are the EU!

On top of this, it’s time to let the UK understand that Europeans can no longer stand their whims! It’s time for Europeans to raise their voices and make the UK notice that WE are on the other side of the table, not a mere institution standing in Brussels!

The European Union is made of its people, the European people, many of who are those same migrants insulted by the Brits during the Brexit campaign! As such, We Don’t Want the UK back in the EU!
The petition that I created on Change.org is open to everyone, especially if you believe at least in one of the following statements:

I want to see Europe united
I want to keep enjoying the longest time of peace in the continent
I want to have all that my parents and grandparents didn’t
I want my children to live without the limitations my parents and grandparents had
I want to have the chance to appeal to higher courts in case of abuse by my local government
I want strong institutions capable of fighting the abuses of the great corporations and tech giants
I want to be free to choose the state where to work and live
I want freedom to move within a space bigger than my home country
I want my land free from American, Russian or any other foreign superpower’s influence
I want the EU free from people who change their minds based on pure convenience

And the last statement does really apply to the Remain campaign supporters. Even if they want to remain in the EU, they want it only because of the economic advantages and will never contribute to the integration process, to solve the issues encompassing the EU, to help the countries in higher need, to stop the populism wiping the continent and to get militarily independent from the US.
If the UK remains in the EU, the EU will never move forward, eventually crumbling. Then, yes, the same UK will regret all the consequences of a Europe once again divided, on a scale they cannot even imagine today….
Yes, Brexit will be painful even for the EU, but the sooner is done the better. Let’s take a deep breath, go through Brexit and enjoy the freedom from the UK after that!

Believe me, this is not hate, just a wish of a happy divorce for both parties.


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