The Great Slavery Debate: Are African Americans Due Reparations?

in #politics8 years ago

What is Slavery?

A slave is someone who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. Early in American history it is known that African Americans have unjustly been slaves to plantation owners. In recent history a debate has started on whether the black community deserves reparations for their ancestors being slaves. Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865 by the 13th amendment to The Constitution. This amendment is now 151 years ago old. No one living today was currently alive during that time. We can all agree that slavery is wrong and it is a good thing that it was abolished. The question remains, is the black community singled out in slavery? Are they the only group in the US that deserves reparations from slavery?


Are African Americans Unfairly Treated?

There is evidence to show that poor black communities around the United States are treated unfairly by the police. This is done primarily through the drug laws. Statistics show that blacks are arrested more than white people for non-violent drug crimes. What is a drug really? Everyone takes drugs. Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription pills, coffee, food, and a lot of other things can be considered drugs. Studies have showed that drug legalization has led to lower crime rates and less tax money spent on police. Al Capone created his empire because alcohol was illegal. If we look at current affairs, it's as if we are all coming under scrutiny from the police today. Our freedoms are slowly being taken away. It is all nationalities and a product of the New World Order. The video below is graphic, but it is just an example of some police behavior lately. I've seen tons of these videos on Facebook and it is horrible. Our government, is starting a war with its citizens.

Warning: Graphic Content Discretion Strongly Advised

Look at History

Almost every race has been enslaved at some point in history. Here are just some of the countries whose citizens have been enslaved; China, Japan, India, United States, Africa, Greece, Rome, Portugal, Germany, Soviet Union, and the list goes on. So why do we focus solely on the Transatlantic Slave Trade? Clearly, many cultures have been enslaved by their governments. Which brings up a good point, Governments are the ones that allow slavery. Civilians don't become slave owners without the government's laws allowing to do so. Another reason we don't need governments controlling our lives. Governments create immoral laws, which they have no business doing. It has always been governments enslaving their people and taking away personal freedom.


Are all White People Guilty?

Just because someone's ancestors did something that was legal during the time that they lived, shouldn't make future generations guilty because now it is illegal. At the HEIGHT of slavery, only 1.4 percent of White people were slave owners. It is not very well known that there were black slave owners. An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860. Most historians will agree that two-thirds of all whites came to the colonies in some form of slavery. White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America throughout the 1600s. So it isn't as if slavery is only limited to the black population. Keep in mind, in the 1900's a lot of whites were immigrants from other countries such as Ireland and Italy.

Reparations for All

So should we give reparations to African Americans? Where will the money come from? It will have to come from the government either through taxation or printing the money, which will cause more harm on our failing economy. The government shouldn't give any group an advantage over another group. We shouldn't even place people into groups. All races need to be treated as individuals. The best system for the people is if the government does not give benefits to anyone and the people get to keep their money. This will create motivation based on incentive. Welfare creates a dependency and lack of motivation. When the media and government put people in groups, it causes the racial tensions. How many times do you hear polls on the news, "30% of Jews think this." or "50% of Blacks think that" and "Muslims blah blah blah". These polls don't mean anything. It is just distracting us from what we really need, which is freedom.

However, since every race has been enslaved at some point throughout history we ALL deserve reparations. I don't mean money from the government. What I mean is, we need to limit government power, lower taxes, lower government spending, get rid of most regulations, eliminate government bureaucracies, and give people their freedom back. These are the reparations the people deserve. Everyone's life would be so much better. When the middle class is doing well they will be more willing to help their neighbors. The government restricts and creates barriers for innovation. We give the politicians too much control over our lives.


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#politics #anarchy #history #anarchism #liberty


If they are due reparations then they are owed by Democrats. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, the party of segregation, the party of Jim Crow, the party of poll taxes, the party of lynchings, and the party of the KKK.

The democrats owe all of us.

There should be only one race - human, until humanity looks past differences in skin and realizes that progress can only be achieved through unity only then will we see fast advancement in all fields - science, technology, arts, politics etc.
Thank you for the insightful read
~ Np

the media and government purposely put us in groups to keep us fighting.

I just don't understand why people treat others who dont look like them differently. As I understand we are all creation of God, we may living apart but we are living on the same world.

Welfare and the gov't teat is the new slavery. Best part of all for the masters is the chains are invisible

That's correct. The Federal Reserve system and the income tax is slavery by debt.

amazing history.. @johnnyyash

Lost history. Thanks for the comment.

I don't see what your point is with the video. That kid was being a little punk and not cooperating. There was no beating, the officer tased him to get him to cooperate. I'm so sick of seeing these videos put forward as evidence of police brutality. The police have no idea what they're walking into when they make a traffic stop. Is it so hard to cooperate and not act like an a**hole? That kid deserved it.

What happened to the police reading miranda rights or explaining why you are under arrest? The kid was 16 and that cop put him in a coma for no reason. Was this kid a danger to the officer? The point of the video was that police brutality is happening to all races.

If you educate yourself on how the justice system is designed in the US, no one "deserves" any type of punishment until they're proved guilty buy a panel of their peers. That cop punished him with violence and a coma before he was determined to be guilty.

The European settlers who came to America did not invent slavery. Quite the opposite - they set the wheels in motion for its abolition.

Slavery has existed as far back as recorded history goes. Most black "leaders" as well as guilt-ridden white Leftists today turn a blind eye to the fact that slavery is still going on in isolated pockets around the world in 2016, some involving blacks, others involving Asians or a few others races.

Many of the Founders set their slaves free upon their death. I don't know if it's just a legend or a tall tale, but as the story goes, George Washington wanted to free his slaves,. The slaves overwhelmingly volunteered to stay and continue working on Washington's farms, not wanting to give up the "job security."

The ugly truth of the matter is that American descendants of slaves should be ever-grateful for the sacrifices made by their ancestors. A black person in America today lives a life of luxury compared to their brethren in Africa today. Any dirt farmer in Zimbabwe would testify to that.

"Just my 7 cents (2 cents after taxes and inflation)."

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