Antifa is not your friend

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

We all hate nazi's, let's make that clear from the jump. Nazi's haven't been a popular group since 1944 at least. You don't have to join a special group or drink anyone else's kool aid to hate nazis. That's literally the status quo. But recently in America many have turned to groups of loosely affiliated protestors in black masks known as ANTIFA as their heroes in battling accused nazi's and white supremacists.

Last week the media was telling us ANTIFA were heroes akin to WW2 soldiers and American revolutionaries. As someone who has taken part in ANTIFA direct action I'd have to ask you to stop, explain some things to you and ask you to take a good look at who you are endorsing.

Antifa is not you're friend, they are not liberals, they are not conservatives, they are off-season black block anarchists and communists. As fast as they'd beat a "nazi"(and they certainly aren't always right in picking them out) they will assault anyone filming them, journalists they feel aren't covering them right, anyone they deem as "counter-revolutionary". You're either with us or against us, and we will NEVER be on your side, only attempt to convince you and the people in your movement violent revolution is inevitable.

Remember the Matrix? These are people that effectively view the world and you like the red dress scene from the Matrix:

Within the context of a summer blockbuster this gives us some great guilt free action sequences

In real life this leads us to bank bombings:

It leads to security guards being hurt and injured trying to do their jobs to feed their family and the whole event being internally justified as "he was protecting capitalist interests", to say nothing of innocent "collateral damage".

They don't have the interests of "liberty" in mind in any way, especially the communists. This isn't a group that should be idolized or praised.

On the other hand some people are shocked by images of antifa activists beating up normal, peaceful right-wing protesters in Berkeley or physically shoving right-wing people off Boston Common.

Why? This is what happens when you tell an entire generation that other people's ideas are dangerous, that their speech is toxic, that their words can wound you and traumatise you: you invite that generation to shut people
down, to use any means necessary to ensure "dangerous" ideas are not expressed and do not cause injury to people's self-esteem or sense of safety.

We are starting to see what happens when speech is talked about as a form of violence: it green-lights actual violence against certain forms of speech. If speech is violence, shouldn't it be met with violence? Antifa looks increasingly like the militant wing of Safe Space fanaticism, the bastard offspring of a culture that elevates mental safety over intellectual liberty, and people's feelings over public freedom.

That's what we should really be at war with, people on the right and left that want to take away people's freedoms. Anyone that celebrate's antifa's actions is effectively willing to trade freedom and liberty for a VERY false and very fleeting sense of safety. Anyone that would celebrate facism, racism or white supremacy is doing the same.


Great post @jmillerworks, Antifa and the KKK are the two sides of the same coin of stupidity and intolerance ! One which is i might add pretty sure is created by the controllers to bring about the " social change 2 which they require for instigation of Militarised Policing of us all ! The first rule of Life should be to respect another individual as you would to be treated with respect by them ! When you fail this rule as both of these groups do, they become a danger to all that cross their path ! We must put out this fire before it takes hold !! upvoted and following ! here is a recent post of mine on the same subject which maybe you might like to look at ! SteemOn2Truth !

I did kind of like the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld

Antifa reminds me of Straight Edges in the 90's. I don't do drugs or smoke cigarettes so I'm going to beat the shit out of anyone who does!

Great post! Thanks for sharing!
It astounds me that they employ flagrantly fascist tactics all in the name of "fighting fascism." I would laugh at the irony, but what they've done is too offensive, insane and evil for me to take lightly.
An elderly friend of mine once told me, "What we glorify and praise today, we tend to incarcerate and institutionalize tomorrow." Let's hope she's right.

Outfit them with uniforms and jack boots, they are facist not nationalists. Using terror to promote an idea is, well, terrorism. Pride for flag and country is kinda what we were founded on. The First Amendment does not have a secret clause that states, "you are not allowed to hurt someone's feeling or call them names". If you want the rule of the land to change, just change The Constitution. Easy as that...

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