CIA operative deathbed WTC7 confession and does this single testimony even matter now?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Newly published story

Maybe you noticed a recent story of Malcom Howard, 79 year old former CIA operative just few weeks before his expected death confessing that he was part of CIA operation to prepare and execute the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center 7 Building (shortly WTC7). Not that now it's just unverified story so higher caution is recommended.

What did he supposedly confess?

You can read full article here, but I will give you major points of his statement:

  • he admits he took part of controlled demolition of WTC7
  • he was an explosives expert who joined CIA in 80's
  • he was the "obedient" type thinking he serves best interests of US
  • he was able to plant explosives from cigarette to 80 floor building
  • in 1997 - 2001 he worked under CIA operation called "New Century"
  • he was one of 4 people team assigned to controlled demolition of WTC7
  • he had no direct knowledge about demolition of WTC1 and WTC2 because that is how sub-tasks are fragmented
  • he never questioned his senior CIA agent
  • the work to place explosives in WTC7 took about one month
  • placing was easy as most of the building was being rented out by CIA, Secret Service and Military personnel
  • when building was brought down they had quite a celebration
  • later they were worried that demolition was too smooth and some witnesses reported explosions
  • they were also scared due to BBC report where news reported WTC7 fall 20 minutes before it really happened
  • he had lot of fear later along the way but propaganda worked perfectly and every opposition ridiculed
  • he said that mainstream media shoot down everyone who denied the official version as a conspiracy theory

What is his last advice for truth searchers:

“When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming. The sons of CIA agents, government officials. Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich. It wasn’t just the contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks.”

“It was insider trading.”

What he said about worries being hunted for his confession

“There could never be a real investigation. The entire shadow government, as you call them now, are implicated.”

Following money

Money have been earned by many ways, one way was by using put stock options on influenced companies or industry sectors (airlines, insurance companies, etc.). Put option is contract to sell stock on given price in the future. It works like this. Right now Airlines XYZ stock const 1,000 USD. You buy put option stating that someone will buy Airlines XYZ stock for 950 USD one month later. Then 9/11 happens and Airlines XYZ stock goes from 1,000 to 500 USD. You buy them on free market and then sell them for 950 USD. Your profit is 450 UZX per stock then. It's just an example but this is how it works. Only problem is insider trading but these people are obviously outside such a risk from obvious reason.

Just before 9/11, the sum of put options on involved airlines and insurance companies skyrocket by 600% indicated that someone knew. Who were these "lucky guys"?

  • Merrill Lynch / HSBC
  • Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
  • Bank of America
  • Raytheon (weapons manufacturer)
  • Lehman Brothers
  • General Motors
  • AXA Re (Insurance company)

These options were put to Deutsche Bank and "by chance" by Buzzy Congard who was the former executive director of CIA just happened to be a manager of Deutsche Bank. US tax payers lost 40 billions of USD in first weeks. Serious links leads to Bush family cooperating with brother of Usama Bin Laden.

Is this story confession even verified?

So far as I know it's not yet verified.

Does this confession even matter now?

Not much to me. You should know that this is not verified story and unless it is verified, it's quite useles. When it is verified as true, it should really go viral as much as possible. And to verify anything related to CIA is pretty hard if not almost impossible so I would not put much hope into it. But it even doesn't matter much now. Why? Because it brings almost nothing new. And because there are already other solid and verified pillars on which it's possible to build strong case against the official narrative. Even such that doesn't need any man's confession. For example the official NIST story is already completely destroyed by University of Alaska Fairbanks research anyway, see more at or this video and tons of other evidence. Upcoming study will hopefully finish complete NIST destruction also on mainstream level soon. I'll not elaborate on that much, if you're interested, read my older post related to that or check the video below.

Time will tell if this Malcom Howard's confession is fabricated or not, however if it is a true story, then it is a good proof that conscience is always much heavier right before own death.

Where is the story published or discussed:

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Does it even matter now?

Of course it does. If a building catches on fire, we need to know if they are going to constantly crumble to the ground.

You are right. I meant it just doesn't matter if this confession story is true or not, the whole case of course matters. There is enough evidence already that fire didn't bring the building down. If this testimony is true, it only proves who is behind it (but even for that there is already enough of other indirect evidence).

It is very weird how the buildings collapsed but we will never know if it was planned that way or not. My personal feeling is that 911 was actually a non-U.S. terrorist plot and the real crime of the U.S. gov is covering up the involvement of Saudi Arabia.

CIA and bunch of other agencies are practically uncontrollable entities. Identity and assignments of people there are classified. Known evidence and motives points to Bush family and rest of NWO structures all around the world. They all know what's their agenda. I don't even think they need to make specific orders. Everyone there knows what's their goal and they have enough lower-ranked people for each sub-task. Yeah, some people from Saudi Arabia were obviously involved, also people with Israeli background. But it's not about countries, people from many countries are involved in these things, it's above-national agenda, it's NWO, deepstate, borderless.

It matters! We need and deserve the truth, no matter how damning it is.

Yeah, people need to know the truth. I'm just saying that evidence leading to the truth is already out regardless this specific testimony. If this testimony is verified, then the known evidence will have just another confirmation, nothing more.

Yes, just more evidence added to the pile of more evidence!

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